Ayurveda, an ancient system of health care revealed to the rishis of India thousands of years ago, leads to positive health, natural beauty and long life. It emphasizes on the power of yoga by customizing asanas and poses according to individual’s body type and ailments thereby opening up the possibilities of enhancing natural radiance through integration of practices for inner peace.
Yoga involves vertical, horizontal, and cyclical movements, which provide energy to the system by directing the blood supply to the areas of the body which needs it most. The improved blood circulation and hormone balance makes the inner physical system immaculate and the postures/various physical exercises of yoga provide shape to the external body.
Yoga lends the skin a healthy glow by balancing the hormones and boosting the flow of oxygen-rich blood to our skin. This keeps the skin resilient and prevents dryness and excessive sagging.
Yogic practices bring beauty of figure, graceful carriage, melodious voice, glowing face and charming smile. Asanas such as Paschimotannasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Veerasana, Trikonasana and Ardha Matsyendrasana helps to sculpt our body.
Below mentioned are some of the benefits achieved through different yogic practices :
A smooth and a soft skin – Facial skin becomes soft, wrinkle free, and starts glowing with radiance. The black circles under the eyes vanish and the cheeks become pink. The face is filled with a magnetic attraction.
A long shapely neck – A corpulent neck can be given a beautiful shape and all the wrinkles on it shall disappear.
Well formed breasts – The breasts are moulded into an attractive shape.
A flat, fat free stomach – The extra fat of the stomach gets dissolved. Women who have gained weight due to over-eating and pregnancy are highly benefited.
A slim and curved waist – The waist of a woman should be slim & free from excess fat, all her beauty seems to be in vain, through a particular type of asana the waist is given an attractive shape.
A well proportioned thighs – The thighs should neither be too fat and nor should they be too slim. The thighs gain a well proportioned shape.
Anti-Ageing – Yoga helps in slowing down the aging process by providing elasticity to the spine, firming up the skin, strengthening the abdominal muscles, eliminating the likelihood of a double chin, improving the quality of loose arm muscles etc.. The inverted Yoga postures often convert gray hair back to its natural color, delaying the onset of gray hair, thereby making a person look younger.
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