Proper diet
1) Avoid food and beverages, which increase Kapha and medha, like sweets, sweetened drinks, large quantities of carbohydrates and oily food. Consuming wheat products more than rice products helps. Using Green gram and horse gram helps in reduction of Kapha.Increase Fiber Intake like Cauliflower, cabbage, carrots, bitter gourd (Karela), mint & spices like dry ginger, cinnamon, black pepper.
2) Try not to skip meals, small well-spaced meals are desirable. Spreading food intake improves nutrient absorption, minimizes blood sugar fluctuations, and decreases fat-storing hormones and enzymes. Avoid very sweet, salty or oily food especially at night, always try and drink warm water.
3) The lifestyle you lead decides a lot about how obese or how slim you will be. If you lead a lifestyle parked on an office chair for most hours of the day, or have vices like smoking, alcoholism, etc they are harmful and add those ungainly pounds. So try and lead a healthy lifestyle.
4) Try and indulge in more sexual activity, do more physical and mental exercises. Sleeping during the daytime should be avoided at all costs.
5) Walking is best to begin with followed by running, swimming. Mental exertion like being involved in finding solutions to problems restricts food consumption and reduce intake of calories.
6) Yoga has an effect, which is permanent in nature for weight reduction. It helps achieve control over mind and behaviour (one can easily control food habits and change life style to avoid obesity.) Asanas, Sun salutations, Pranayama, Agnisar are different forms of yoga that can be done to stay slim.
Body Cleansing
7) Panchakarma or five actions, is a purification, detoxification, cleansing and rejuvenating program for the body, mind and consciousness. For weight loss Virechana (Purgation Treatment) or Basti (Medicated Enema) are useful.
8) Also steam baths and regular ayurvedic massages like udvarthana (Weight loss Massage) are recommended.
Using Ayurvedic Herbal Supplements
9) All herbal supplements are safe to use, and have no side-effects. Guduchi, Amla powder, Triphala or musta can be taken mixed with honey.
10) To stay slim have food, which is dry and light in quality, without oils and fatty substances. Drink warm or hot water, which should preferably be treated with herbs having pungent and bitter taste. Honey with fresh lemon juice is an excellent home remedy.
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