Fitness training could be practiced by ladies for improving the quality of their sex life. In general a women who does regular workouts would be fit for sex than those who lead a sedentary life (Stanelli, 2007). Therefore fitness training is highly required for females if they want a good family life.
Testosterone is a hormone, which is produced by both male and female sex organs and is responsible for sexual arousal and its level could be increased by proper exercises. For females, the increase in the testosterone level could be achieved only if they train very hard. They have to do compound exercises with 8-10 reps and rest periods for half to one and a half hour. Compared to men they have do intensive workouts to get the same level of testosterone as men in order to increase libido. When male require only six weeks of training, female requires eight weeks of training to get the same result. This is reported to be because of the difficulty in the production of testosterone in the female body. However doing workouts for very long period of time and combining cardio exercises with weight exercises could actually reduce this hormone level. Proper rest and sleep could boost up its production. Thus proper fitness training for better sex could be done only under the guidance of a well-experienced instructor.
Thus it could be seen that the females could also do fitness training for better sex. These exercises would improve the levels of testosterone in the blood, which would increase the sexual arousal. Females have to work out more intensely than males to get good results. Along with workouts rest and sleep also would help to have better sex life.
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