Arya Vaidya Nilayam Guluchyadi Kashayam Tablets
DESCRIPTIONGuluchyadi Kashayam TabletsKashayam refers to a decoction or extract of a herb or a group..
Ayulabs Cheerup Syrup.
(General Tonic) NON ALCOHOLIC APPETISER Tones up Body with Freshness of Nature Reinforced and enr..
Ayurchem Heemyog Tablets
Stimulates bone-marrow & induces formation of RBC Provides herbalised iron which is easily absorbed..
Ayurchem Onmero Tablets
Maintain the induction process of growth factors by triggering and stimulating the source Supply t..
Bipha Drugs Ashtachoorna Tablet
(Ashtachoorna yoga of Ashtangahrudaya in sugar coated tablet form)..
Bipha Drugs Ashwagandharishta
.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical/English Name 1 Ashwagandha Withania somnifera&..
Bipha Drugs Jeevaneeya Tablet
Jeevaniya Gana Fortified with Annabhedi Bhasma and Abhra Bhasma...
Bipha Drugs Uramarunnu Tablets
DESCRIPTIONUramarunnu is a pediatric formulation. Preventive and curative aid for digestive disorder..