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A Safe Herbal Formulation without drawbacks of modern psychotropic drugs..
S.No. Sanskrit Name Botanical/English Name 1. Murchit ghrit Clarified buter 2. Brahmi Bacopa monnier..
DESCRIPTIONManomitram tablet is an herbal product rich with antioxidants and is targeted towards imp..
DESCRIPTIONPerment Capsule The safe & effective treatment for chronic subclinical anxiety. Provi..
(Slimming & Mobility) ..
Antistress ‘Rasayana’ combination Normalises digestion and metabolic excretory process Helps CNS/..
DESCRIPTIONNourishes and rejuvenates the tissues. Directly opposes the reaction of stress by reducin..
DESCRIPTIONFor improving learning, memory, and recall, mental fatigue, and dementia.INGREDIENTSBrahm..
Used in the treatment of nervous disorders such as apathy, depression and nerve debility as it is bo..
It helps to support the nervous systems to overcome frigidity, impotence, neuralgia and nervous fati..
DESCRIPTIONHerbal Sleep and Anti-stress Aid.INGREDIENTS Withania somnifera, Curcilogo orchioidu..
DESCRIPTIONPromotes nervous system health, rejuvenating tonic with strong adaptogenic action. Somna ..