• Charak Curil syrup

Charak Curil syrup

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Charak Curil syrup

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Charak Curil syrup

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Charak Curil syrup

Name of Ingredient Powders and Bhasmas: Latin/ English Name Quantity
Chirayata Swertia chirata 100 mg
Guduchi Tinospora cordifolia 100 mg
Nagarmotha Cyperus rotundus 100 mg
Saptaparna Alstonia scholaris 100 mg
Tulsi Ocimum sanctum 50 mg
Mamejavo Enicostemma littorale 30 mg
Sonamukhi Cassia angustifolia 30 mg
Katuki Picrorrhiza kurrooa 30 mg
Neem chhal Melia azadirachta 30 mg
Pittapapada Fumaria officinalis 30 mg
Dronpushpi Leucas cephaiotas 30 mg
Marich Piper nigrum 8 mg
Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum 4 mg
Kalmegh Andrographis paniculata 4 mg
Bachanag shuddha Purified Aconitum ferox 4 mg
Karanj Pongamia glabra 2 mg
Flavoured syrupy base q.s
CURILL is a natural anti-pyretic and analgesic. Cyperus rotundus (Nagarmotha) and Alstonia scholaris (Saptaparna) exhibit antipyretic activity. Curill reduces the body temperature gradually and also relieves body ache.
1) Fever associated with common cold and flu
2) Pyrexia of malarial, bacterial or viral origin
3) Pyrexia of unknown origin
Adults: 2-3 teaspoonful three times a day
Children: 1 teaspoonful three times a day
Infants: Half teaspoonful three times a day
Syrup: Bottle of 60 ml.
Do 's
1) Take the prescribed medicines at the right dose for the right duration
2) Take a healthy, bland diet till the fever settles down
3) Drink plenty of fluids
Dont 's
1) Don’t take self-medication. The fever may be due to many causes, which needs to be diagnosed.
2) Don’t exert yourself. Take rest for faster recovery
3) Avoid outside food.
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Tags: curil, syrup, tuber, culosis