Consult with Doctor

Ayurveda Diet

Ayurveda puts forward the unique concept of “non-profit” eating based on the premise that almost all diseases are due to unhealthy diet eating. In Charak samhita, the legendary book on general medicine in ayurveda, it says all diseases occur due to improper functioning of gastric juices. We should preserve the normal functioning of digestive system to keep our body healthy. In this context, the ayurveda diet is very important. In this fast paced world, we ignore our body, mind and soul. We are exploiting our body from birth to death. All our gains are contributed by the above said tripods. But we are polluting its sanctity by using preserved foods, chemical medicines, stressful life and many more. So it is the time to change our style.

In Ayurveda vegetarian diet is preferred over non-vegetarian. It believes in non-profit eating, i.e., the intake should be used for the energy needs, building and repair of body tissues, not for a deposit. One should calculate his energy needs and tailor a roadmap. A general outline is being discussed here.

You should take breakfast. Skipping breakfast will cause acidity which may develop to gastric ulcer, IBS, GERD and similar gastric diseases. Contents of the breakfast must be light and easily digestible. Please avoid any type of packed and preserved food. There is no reference to lunch in the classical texts. Ayurveda advises two meals a day. So we can use a very light menu for lunch. Pack maximum salads and fruits in the lunch box. Avoid any type of beverages while having a meal. If you are very addicted to tea or coffee, you can use some herbal tea. The supper is important. Complete the supper before 8’O clock. Go to bed with semi digested stomach.

Please remember the following before your food.
Pay attention to calls of nature before eating. Bath or at least wash your hands, face & feet before you eat. Sit in an isolated and clean area. Face the direction of the sun. Pray and thank nature for providing you food. Feed others. Concentrate and eat with confidence. Avoid watching TV, conversation during eating. Approach each items with reverence and love and chew them well. See that all the six tastes are present in the menu. Eat sweet, oily food first, sour, spicy in the middle and bitter, astringent at last. The food should be warm. Always eat accustomed food (in relation to body, age, season, dosha & disease). Half of the stomach should be filled with solid food, one quarter by liquids and the other quarter should be kept vacant for air. Use rice, wheat, barley, tender radish, grapes, green gram, jaggery, ghee, milk, honey, pomegranate, triphala daily. Preserved foods should not be taken except curd, ghee, honey, butter milk. Avoid curd at night. Avoid overeating and untimely eating. Anupana – the drink which is taken after meals gives satisfaction, aids easy digestion and provides a sense of contentment.

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Consult with Doctor

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