Consult with Doctor

Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout

What is Gout? 

Ayurveda considers gout as one of the diseases caused due to the imbalance of the Vaata (wind) element in the body. Pitta (bile) and Kapha (phlegm) are the other two elements. In a healthy individual these three elements are balanced. Disturbance of any element causes innumerable diseases. In fact, Vaata alone causes some 80 odd diseases, gout being just one of them. 

Gout is known in Ayurveda as rakhthavaata or sandhivaata (akin to rheumatoid arthritis) depending on the joints affected. General symptoms are tenderness, swelling, pain and accumulation of fluids in the joints, mostly of limbs.  

What causes Gout? 

 Vaata-related diseases in general are caused by excessive and constant use of pungent, bitter or astringent food, sleeplessness, excessive physical effort, suppression of bodily urges, dissipation and physical injuries. Faulty lifestyle is an important factor leading to aggavation of Vaata diseases.  

Ayurveda emphasises the role of antagonistic food (viruddhaahara) in causing diseases. For instance, milk is not compatible with fish, meat with honey and so on. Consuming incompatible food causes the disturbance of the three elements which in turn manifests itself as disease of some organ.  

Treatment of Gout 

Ayurveda offers effective cure for Gout and other arthritic diseases. A generic treatment for all Vaata related diseases is the use of extract in kashaya form of the medicinal herb Arrowleaf Sida (Sida rhombifolia).   

Specific treatment depends on the nature and severity of the illness and the constitutional type of the patient. Such treatment should be started only after consultation with a qualified Ayurvedic physician.  

The five evacuative procedures (Panchakarma) is a time tested remedy for diseases caused due to disturbance of the three elements. It also has preventive and rejuvinative properties. 

To Buy Ayurvedic Medicine for Gout Click Here!

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