Ayurveda is a “science of life and longevity”, a traditional system of medicine of India which considers the mind to be one of the three pillars (tristhuna) on which life depends. Ayurvedic concept of mind (manas prakriti) is both broad and illuminating.
Mind is built from different aspects. Buddhi, the intellect is the digestive system of the mind as it discriminates between different aspects of mental ’nutrition’. Manas is that which conceptualises, analyses and interacts between our inner sub consciousness and our experience of the outer world. Ahamkara is our ‘I’ maker and identity former that personalises every experience. Tarpaka kapha relates to memory. Chitta that is considered to be consciousness and awareness. Prana connects these different aspects into antahakarana, the inner active.
Ayurveda describes three primary qualities of mind or gunas as Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas. Satwa (equilibrium, evolution, intelligence) characterized by lightness, awareness, delight and lucidity, is pure, free from malady and cannot distorted and disturbed in any way. It activates the senses and is responsible for the perception of knowledge. Rajas (activity, agitation) which is most active of the gunas, characterizes motion and stimulation. All wants, wishes, aspirations and erratic-mindedness are a result of the effects of rajas guna. Tamas (inertia) which characterizes heaviness and immunity, produces disturbances in the process of perception (way one thinks) and activities of the mind. Hallucinations, laziness, apathy, sleepiness and drowsiness habits are due to it.
According to Ayurveda there are three fundamental mind types or mental doshas, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which embody different combinations of the five elements air, ether, fire, water and earth.
Psychologically Vata governs feelings and emotions as freshness, nervousness, fear, anxiety, pain. Pitta arouses anger, hate, and jealousy .Kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, and long-standing envyAyurvedic treatment aims to rebalance your doshas according to your constitution (also known as your Prakriti), resulting in a healthy body and sound mind.
Ayurvedic concept of mental ailments
Ayurveda is a “science of life and longevity”, a traditional system of medicine of India which considers the mind to be one of the three pillars (tristhuna) on which life depends.
Ayurvedic concept of mind (manas prakriti) is both broad and illuminating. Mind is built from different aspects.
Buddhi, the intellect is the digestive system of the mind as it discriminates between different aspects of mental ’nutrition’. Manas is that which conceptualises, analyses and interacts between our inner sub consciousness and our experience of the outer world. Ahamkara is our ‘I’ maker and identity former that personalises every experience. Tarpaka kapha relates to memory. Chitta that is considered to be consciousness and awareness. Prana connects these different aspects into antahakarana, the inner active.
Ayurveda describes three primary qualities of mind or gunas as Sattwa, Rajas and Tamas.
Satwa (equilibrium, evolution, intelligence) characterized by lightness, awareness, delight and lucidity, is pure, free from malady and cannot distorted and disturbed in any way. It activates the senses and is responsible for the perception of knowledge
Rajas (activity, agitation) which is most active of the gunas, characterizes motion and stimulation. All wants, wishes, aspirations and erratic-mindedness are a result of the effects of rajas guna.
Tamas (inertia) which characterizes heaviness and immunity, produces disturbances in the process of perception (way one thinks) and activities of the mind. Hallucinations, laziness, apathy, sleepiness and drowsiness habits are due to it.
According to Ayurveda there are three fundamental mind types or mental doshas, called Vata, Pitta and Kapha, which embody different combinations of the five elements air, ether, fire, water and earth.
Vata governs feelings and emotions as freshness, nervousness, fear, anxiety, pain. Pitta arouses anger, hate, and jealousy .Kapha is responsible for the emotions of attachment, greed, and long-standing envy
Ayurvedic treatment aims to rebalance your doshas according to your constitution (also known as your Prakriti), resulting in a healthy body and sound mind.