Consult with Doctor

Fever – Ayurvedic concept

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Ayurveda, an ancient healing system refers fever as jwara, a condition in which the body condition goes beyond the normal temperature and is characterized by disturbance in normal functioning of the system.

** It believes that it is due to disruption of  any one or all the doshas or energy fields within the body system and if not attended immediately might damage  other parts of the body.

** It classifies fever in to eight types which ranges from internal to external to parasitic to seasonal and mental and that if the fever chapter is completed then half of treatment is over.

** The main symptoms of fever  are  a  raise in body temperature, chilly, sore throat, body stiffness, muscle aches, headache, disturbed digestion, lack of appetite etc.,
** Improper agni (digestive fire)  leads to indigestion resulting in ama (toxins) which block the channels in the body which further leads to the blocking of the fire in different tissues resulting in fever.

** Fever according to ayurveda occurs when the digestive fire (agni) and digestive toxins (ama) which are normally found within the gastrointestinal tract are thrown out of their place by disrupted doshas and then they overflow into the blood and lymphatic system. Its  circulation in the body causes the typical symptoms like high temperature, heaviness etc. Because of this the tridoshas are further irritated and it spreads throughout the blood stream. When supplemented with its own heat plus the heat of the misplaced agni, the temperature of the body raises can causes the symptoms of fever.

** During a high body temperature, Ayurveda suggests to have a cold sponging,  an easily digestible liquid diet and  a complete rest.

Fever – Lifestyle and Diet

Ayurveda, a holistic healing system believes that fever is caused due to disruption of doshas and hence it advises following  modified lifestyle and a  light diet to bring make the body fit enough to recover from fever.
It believes fasting along with rest  is better for the betterment of fever. It refreshes each and very cell of our body and the entire alimentary canal is swept away.  A strong person can have a total fasting but if he is weak then he can have light diet.

** Avoid sweets, ice cream,sweets, oily and spicy foods.
** Take care to drink a lot of barley water, hot water, vegetable soups.
** Boil ginger with water and jaggery can be drunk.
** Take a lot raw fruit like apple, orange as it purifies the body and dispels ama
** Drink juices of pomegranate, lemon, pineapple and apple.
** Orange has more vitamin C which provides strength to fight further infections.
**  Turmeric when added to warm water and drunk prevents and cures fever.
** Drink ayurvedic herbal tea.
** The juice of tulsi leaves can be used to bring down fever.
** Don’t take bath till you are completely recovered from fever.
** Don’t over exert with heavy exercises or any physical activity and avoid sex.
** Avoid exposure to extreme cold or hot weather.
** Ample Rest both to the body and mind is a must
** Cover the patient with a blanket as it makes him to sweat thereby brings down the fever.
** Quit smoking and avoid taking alcohol.
** Avoid taking cold water, better to take boiled water that is cooled down.
** Try to remain calm and be without any mental stress.

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Fever – Ayurvedic Management

Ayurveda, a holistic medical system, emphasis that fever is due to tox¬icity in the rasa dhatu (the body’s basic vital tissue) and manages fever by Fasting (langana),  Sweating (swedana), Waiting/Patience (kala), Light diet (yavagu), Bitter drugs (tikta bheshajam), Detoxification (ama pachana).

** Fasting – Strengthens the digestive system  and eliminates ama which in turn cleans the channels in the body. Strong person can  fast whereas weak persons can take up a light diet. A lot of liquid diet like vegetable soups or just hot ginger water which alleviates the aggravated dosha and increases the appetite should be taken.

** Sweating – One can drink a simple spicy tea to induce sweat or he can be covered with a blanket so that he is made to sweat as this process clears toxins, raises the body temperature that kills the virus and normalizes the body temperature.

** Light Diet – After the body achieves the normal temperature he should take three meals upon a well balanced/light  diet of fresh fruits and raw/lightly cooked vegetable according to his age.

**  Bitter Ayurvedic drugs – Burns ama,  increases the white blood cell count which help the body to fight infections. Commonly used medicines are Dasamoola kaduthryam qwath, Amruthothram qwath, Indukantham qwath, Dhanwantharam qwath, Amrutharishta, Sudarsanasava, Dasmoolarishta, Vettumaran tablet, gorochanadi tablet, gopichandanadi tablet, sooryprabha tablet, sirasooladi vajra rasam, laxmi vilas rasam, ananda bhairava ras, etc

**  After fever the patient is advised to undergo a Detoxification (mild purgative regime – Panchakarma) treatment as it expels remaining ama and strengthens the digestive system. Then he undergoes a preventive regime which will reduce the chances of reoccurance of fever,

Thus Ayurvedic manages of fever is done by restoring the agni in the body and enhancing the proper metabolism. It also suggests yogasanas like suryasana and matsyasana to be practiced to pacify the aggravated pitta dosha which is the root cause of fever and meditation helps to deal with fever with a balanced and clarify of mind.

Fever & Yoga

According to ayurveda, an ancient medical system, increased body temperature is due to vitiated pitta and a low digestive fire. It believes that a regular yogic practice along with a  modified stress free lifestyle, ample rest, herbal preparations and  light diet  helps body to fight fever symptoms.

Some yoga practices that can help to reduce pitta  and  strengthens digestive system are

Asanas :  Cool, regulare, Chandra namaskar, Syrya Namaskar, Veerparit Karani, Sharvangasana,  Matsyasana aids in keeping the body fit to fight fever.

Pranayama : Sheetkari, Sheetali cools mental, physical, emotional systems and reduces internal heat. It reduces stress, anger, also stimulates and assists in digestion which is the main reason of fever. Deep breathing or regular practice of anuloma viloma pranayama can also prevent fever. Kapalabhati or skull-shining breath is a breathing exercise that cleanses the entire respiratory system, helping to eliminate large quantities of carbon dioxide. There are many benefits of meditation such as the relaxation of the body from tension caused by nerves and muscles, the decrease of mental restlessness, and the purification of the mind

Dhyana :  Finding the time of day when your fever symptoms are mild and meditate  for atleasr 5 to 10 mintues is highly beneficial. When you practice dhyana like Antamouna, Dhauti, Ujjai it has a relaxing effect and it regulates breathing pattern and improves respiratory function. Though meditation during fever is difficult it offers a  clarity of mind and helps to eliminate the feeling that your life is being controlled by fever.

According to Ayurveda, fever helps to increase number of white blood corpuscles, which  being part of our immune system, put up a defense against disease-causing pathogens like viruses and hence advises to practise yoga to improve  immunity against possible infections and stay healthy.

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