Consult with Doctor

Fever in children – Ayurvedic concept and management

Ayurveda an ancient medical system, jwara (fever) can be said as the body’s natural way of burning ama (toxins) and one should not suppress it but if it goes beyond 102 degrees then one should take care to lower it

During fever, body tries to digest ama (toxins) and protect itself.  In this process excess heat is produced which is tolerated by the body and it will not exceed the body limit.  To bring down the fever we take some antipyretic drugs which break the above process and at that time our body will use its full potential to treat the ama and at times this will lead to fits.

Usua;;u convulsions (fits) occur  occur with high fever (usually at temperature > 40oC), but may also be seen at lower temperature when there is a sudden rise in body temperature and are seen in children between 6 months and 6 years.

Children are often prone to fever due to their weak immunity and hence one should treat fever with ayurvedic herbal and dietary guidelines to support and strengthen their immune system.  In children fever is associated with kapha dosha  which is just opposite to pitta qualitites which has a symptoms of low apetite, nasal or chest congestion etc.,

** Children should be made to take ample rest.
** They should drink a plenty of warm liquids to support the digestive fire  and elimination of ama .
** Cold sponging to be given incase the fever is more than 101 F.
** Warm ginger tea kindles agni and  Tulsi tea when taken before bed time works wonder by lowering the fever by promoting sweat.
** Home remedy  for lowering fever can be done by rubbing fresh onion juice to the child’s navel region.
** Also apply a cool cloth to the forehead to protect the brain.
**  Mahasudarshan is also very useful for high fevers.

As children are very delicate it is always better to consult an ayurvedic physician before treating them.

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Consult with Doctor

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