Consult with Doctor

Sinusitis – Ayurvedic view

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Ayurveda, a holistic way of living, views Sinusitis as a inflammation or infection of the mucous membrane lining the nasal sinuses which leads to pain in the sinus cavities, sinus headaches, nasar discharge, loss of sense of smell.

It  involves some component of pitta, the fiery humour. However, provocation of either vata or kapha within the sinuses also can give rise to pitta irritation of the mucous membranes. Sinus infections thus can be regarded as either vata, pitta or kapha in nature, each type having specific causative factors and symptoms.

**  Ama originates from improperly digested toxic particles that clog the channels in body and it contributes to an increase in phlegm (certain fluids other than blood)  which is the substance associated with one of three transporting systems or humors called doshas: kapha, pitta, and vata.

** Kapha is the transporting system for Phlegm which is critical to maintain health.  The normal mucus lining all of the membranes of the body is protective, and lubricating. When the agni of the digestive system is weakened, kapha has an overabundance of some undesirable fluids and it accumulates in the several potential sites, like sinus which is disturbed due to pollen, smoke, emotional upset.

** The prahna vata becomes agitated by the obstruction of phlegm, as it is unable to maintain smooth flow (it is said to be vitiated) and is transformed into an agitated flow, like the wind.

** When these two sub-doshas are simultaneously imbalanced,  Ama,  gets mixed with Shleshaka Kapha in the sinus area, forming an even more toxic, sticky mucus called Shleshma which  settles in the area and clogs the channels of the sinuses. Due to the restriction and blocking, Pitta dosha also becomes imbalanced, and inflammation results.

Ayurveda aims at treating the Sinus disorder which is caused by the three doshic imbalances viz., a deficiency in pitta (as it manifests in the agni of digestion), an excess in kapha (as it manifests in mucus), and a disturbance of vata (as it manifests in the breath).

Sinusitis- Lifestyle and Diet by Ayurveda

Ayurveda, a science of life, treats Sinusitis which mostly affects the IT, marketing, corporate personals, by making them aware of the need of a healthy life style, diet, exercise and mental activities.

Suggested life style and diet modifications to prevent sinus are

** Drink a plenty of distilled water and fresh juices.
** Take all vegetables. except tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes and zucchini.
** Take a lot of  pungent, bitter taste natural items and light, dry and warm foods.
**  Lighter fruits, such as apples and pears, are better. Reduce heavy or sour fruits, such as oranges, bananas, pineapples, figs, dates, avocados, coconuts and melons.
** Avoid  eating dairy foods, except for soured products like yougurt and cottage cheese,
**  Reduce heavy, oily, cold foods and sweet, sour and salty tastes.
** .Reduce intake of barley and millet. Avoid takinf too much wheat or rice.
**  Hot liquids help the mucus to flow, relieving congestion and sinus pressure.
**  Honey is excellent but try to reduce sugar products.
**  Low-fat, boiled  milk is better..
**  Lot of Garlic to be included in  diet.
** Cleansing fast is very important.
** Avoid using strongly scented hair oils/body oils and perfumes.
** Stay warm in cold, damp weather. Avoid naps.
** Eucalyptus oil can be used in a steam inhalation.
*  Retire to bed early and try to rise early. On getting up practice  vigorous yoga asanas, like Sun Salutation, Fish, Locust, and inversions followed by pranayama and meditation.
** Take a warm shower after a  full body seasame oil massage.
** Be detached from material world and learn to go of emotional upsets.

Above ayurvedic tips guides you to explore your true nature and helps you to be compassionate with your own self and  treats sinus at its root by reinstating the imbalanced doshas,

Sinusitis- Management with Ayurvedic medicines

Ayurveda an ancient system of healing places equal emphasis on mind, body and spirit and it believes that Sinusitis can be well managed if the digestion is improved by protecting the agni (digestive fire).  Ayurvedic medicine seeks to re-establish balance and harmony in the body’s systems by suggesting modifications in diet, yogic practice, meditation, medicated inhalations and herbal products.

Diet :
It is highly advisable to take fresh and green vegetables, fruits and cereals. Take care to include more garlic, onion, ginger, cinnamon in your diet. Drink plenty of water and fresh juices. One should avoid eating chocolates, junk foods, oily foods etc., Also take care not to have milk and its products. Reduce intake of barley and millet. Avoid taking too much wheat or rice.

Yogic practice :
A regular exercise improves the internal fire and circulation, stimulate metabolism, and sharpen the mind which thereby strengthens agni, that results in an improved digestion and thus helps in fighting sinus disorders.
If one practice to chant the mantra “OM” by focusing on the mind, its sound vibrations helps to keep the sinuses healthy.

Meditation :
Sinus disorders leads to mood swings. Regular practice of meditation  helps one to balance irritated body and mind.

Panchakarma :
Nasya is one of the panchakarma theraphy for treating  Sinusitus  The excess of body humors that are accumulated in the sinus area is got rid by means of the nearest opening, the nose. Nasya involves the administation of herbalized oils and liquid into the nostrils and  is very useful for treatment of kapha-oriented problems, of ear, eyes, nose and throat disorders such as  sinusitis.

Herbal products :
Commonly used medicines are Pathyshadangam qwath, Varanadi qwath, Abhyarishtam, Partharishtam, Sirasooladi vajrarasam, Saina tab, Cephagraine drops and Tablets, Dasamolla harithaki, Kalyanagulam etc.

Sinusitis- Panchkarma management

Ayurveda, a holistic healing system recommends Nasya, one of the five therapies of Panchakarma treatment for treating Sinusitis. It is the application of medical oils or powders through the nostrils. The nose is the channel for the head and if the medicines are applied through the nose it will reach the cavities of the cranium near to the nose and eliminate the accumulated mucous and stimulates the nerve endings by which vata, pitta, kapha will attain balance.

Types of Nasya in terms of the form of medicines used for administration are :
a.Virechana Nasya – administers medicated lubricants like oil, ghee, various herbal decoctions or honey
b.Dhamana Nasya – administers powder (Churna) and not fluids
c. Brumhana Nasya  –  administers medicated oils, Juices of herbs
d. Shamana Nasya – administers demulcents in small dose.

Types of nasyam in terms of the measurement and time of application are :
a. Marsa nasyam (ghee or oil )  which has several specifications and quantity is more.
b. Pratimarsa nasyam (daily oil nasya) are used in small measures and is usually  done in children, aged, emaciated week persons and in rainy days This helps to open deep  tissues and can be done everyday to release stress.

Procedure :
*** Forehead, cheeks and neck region are massaged gently with medicated oil followed by fomentation.
** Then the Patient is advised to lie down in a specific manner and few drops of sterile medicated oil are introduced through nostrils and the patient has to lie down in the same position for 5 more minutes. After this, throat, cheeks, forehead are again massaged softly.
** The patient can feel a great relief in the head and clarity of the sense organs, breathing becomes completely unobstructed.

Indications for Nasya:
tress emotional imbalances stiffness in the neck & shoulders, dryness of the nose sinus congestion, hoarseness, migraine headache, convulsions.

Contra-Indications for Nasya:
Sinus infections, pregnancy, menstruation, after sex, bathing, eating or drinking of alcohol should not be used below 7 years or over 80 years of age

Daily administration of Pratimarsa nasya is recommended for the IT, marketing and corporate personals who are more prone to stressful life and insomnia.

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