Ayurveda, a holistic way of living, discusses the details of pregnancy under Garbhini Vyakaran. Father to be’s health too to be taken care as the reproductive tissues are to be nourished well and toxins are flushed out, so that an optimum fertilization can occur. Pregnant women has to be more careful during the first three months, as it is formative stage and after seventh month i.e, last stage of her pregnancy.
Foetus and mother are attached by a cord called rasvaha nadi (matenal part of the placenta) which helps in carrying the ahararasa-virya (nutrition) from the mother to the foetus It gets nourished by rasa by the process of attracting moisture (upasneha) and osmosis (upasweda) The food intake gets refined until it is transformed to the nutritional eggs and sperms.
Doshas control the mensuration cycle, which should be 26-30 days cycle, 5 days, moderate flow and colour without any clots or discomfort.
Kapha phase is from the end of bleeding until the ovulation, and it builds the endometrium and also restore ths health to body and prepares it for conception.
Pitta phase is from ovulation till period starts. This prepares endometrium for implantation of the egg to be fertilsed and breasts to secrete milk. It is in this phase one under goes a high emotional overload.
Vata phase occurs throughout the period, is. apna vayu regulates the downward movements in the body and it helps in the flow during mensration and also helps during the delivery.
Above ayurvedic concepts clearly explains that if one has to ensure a fertililty, then the doshas are to be balanced and normalised. Any imbalance in doshas will lead to problem in conceiving. It recommends yogic practice and a nutritious diet to calm the doshas thereby strengthening the body and relaxing the mother and thereby indirectly benefiting the baby.
Pregnancy- Lifestyle and Diet
Ayurveda, an age old system of Indian medicine, in its Garbhini Paricharya recommends the following advise about the ahara (diet), Vihara(lifestyle) and vichara(thought process) to be followed by the pregnant women.
** On a regular basis drink milk as it is a chief source of calcium, lactose and butter fat.
** During the first three months of pregnancy the foetus is nourished by percolation hence a lot of liquid diet like fruit juice, coconut water, milk to be included in diet. From the seventh month onwards take care to reduce the fat, salt and water in the diet and instead take a lot of rice kanji with ghee.
** Cereals are a must – wheat, oats, rye, dried peas, bean sprouts, whole meal bread, lentils, dried peas, chickpeas, soya-beans have an adequate amounts of protein. Fresh vegetables like spinach lettuce, potatoes, celery are must Fruits like apple, banana, and juices of lemon, orange, pineapple to be consumed. Dried fruits like dates, figs, almonds, grapes are good. Take rice, butter, ghee, food prepared with urad dal and amla, fish and egg are to be included in diet. Avoid fried or over salty and greasy foods.
** Sleep in a secured place. don’t travel outside house often, don’t indulge in talking to strangers, don’t subject yourself to any situation that creates fear in you mind, wear loose clothes so that you are comfortable, do not indulge in a strenuous physical activities, avoid smoking, alcohol and keep yourself away from sex.
** Take care to eat lightly i.e, you may eat 6 meals instead of heavy four meals, But you should eat only when you feel hungry and take only home made preparations, avoid any artificial chemicals, preservatives.
Keep yourself cool, calm and collected as it has direct effect on your baby. Use this time to be grateful to GOD for what all things he has given you in your life and Meditation helps you to be in touch with your real self and travel through the journey of pregnancy which is the very basic craving and enjoyment for every women.
Managment of pregnancy complications with Ayurveda :
Ayurveda, a science of life, helps to manage the complications that the mother to-be faces during her pregnancy. It suggests the following :
a) Severe Vomiting – Drink a plenty of fluids and fruit juices. Mix Dhanyaka with rice water and sugar and take it. Also flour of parched barley mixed with decoction of sunthi and bilva is advised.
b) Anemia –.Have a diet rich in iron like dried beans, leafy green vegetables, iron fortified cereals, fruits etc. Enjoy a sun bath. Lauh Bhasma, Lohasava, Dhatri Lauh, Navayas Lauh are the Ayurvedic Supplements that are recommended.
c) Bladder infection – Drink coriander tea or corriander cumin fennel tea. Also one can take a blend of shatavari, guduchi, punarnava, and kamadudha two times daily.
d) Hyper Tension –. Include less salt in the diet. Meditation is found effective. Dhara therapy can be undergone. Herbs like Gotu Kola, Arjuna, Valerian, Ashwagandha, Skullcap, Cinnamon, Burdock, Jatamamsi, Manjishta, Shankapushpi, Hawthorn, Ginger, Nutmeg, Garlic are recommended.
e) Fevers – Lakhen karma is recommended. Take only rice gruel followed by cereals with soups. Dashamularisht for vatic fever, cold infusion of Glycerriza lotus and Sariva in paittic fever and Guduchi vasa quash for kapha fever are to be taken to bring down temperature.
f) Stress – Practicing meditation brings down the stress and brings about balances of all doshas leading to a relaxed state of being of mother and the child. Also a regular oil massage and herbal tea helps mother to be energized.
g) Diarrhea – Avoid taking improper diet, polluted water, fear, grief and psychological trauma etc. Kalyanakawaleha and hriberadi decoction are the best solution for this.
h) Acute pain in abdomen – Avoid lifting heavy weight, maintain correct posture, do exercises that will strengthen the back muscles etc.,
Pregnancy is a wonderful journey for every woman if it is taken in the right sense and Ayurveda helps her to get through this journey smoothly, by tackling the complications in its own natural way. But always consult a doctor before you start taking any medications.
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Ayurvedic techniques for a good progeny
According to Ayurveda, a holistic way of living, Vajikarana, one of its branch believes that good progeny is a result of the quality of the sperm and ovum. The following are the tips that it provides for a getting a healthy offspring.
** Panchakarma therapy is recommended prior to conceiving as it purifies the entire body and provides rejunevation and revitalization.
** Parents-to be is advised to take only sattvic diet for atleast 3 months prior to attempting to conceive. Women is advised to replace ghee with oil, take little barley with milk etc. and consume more protein. Men should have more milk, ghee and rice and nuts like almonds.
** Some specific yoga postures like padmasana, pelvic floor exercises are to be practiced along with the breathing exercises (pranayama). Also moola bandha, ashwini mudra and vajroli mudra are to be practiced.
** Couple should be pure, strong and robust. For men it is advised to take ashwagandha, Gokshura (Tribulis terrestris), Guduchi and Triphala..Female is advised to take shatavari.
** Rasayanas which are mainly made from herbs/medicinal plants like amalaki, haritiki, triphala, bhringaraja, punarnava, Kapikacchu provides vitality to the reproductive system on a whole are to be taken. Also one can have Chyavanprashavaleha, Brahmi Ghrita, and Agatsya Haritaki Avaleha.
** Take aphrodisiac like Shilajit, Mucuna Pruriens, Aswagandha before the copulation as this promotes the strength of the body and also increase the quality and quantity of the semen.
** Couples to regulate their natural body rhythms so that their mental and body make up is in tune with their hormonal cycle. For this one has to take diet according to ones body constitution and take time for self nurturing.
** Also smoking/alcohol/drugs to be avoided. Stressed work or situations to be avoided.
Take ample rest and sleep for atleast 7-8 hrs daily.
** Not to indulge in any sexual activity that might push you to a state of stress and also an overindulgence in sex is to be avoided.
** Recite scriptures and mantras to purify and create awareness on the purpose of union. Consult an astrologer to avoid any ill effects of the planetary movements.
For astrologic consultation click here
Pregnancy- Ayurvedic medicines
Ayurveda, a science of life, advises that the health of the pregnant women to be taken care, so that she is able to withstand the strain of labour and also give birth to a healthy offspring.
It advises mother-to be, to take certain herbs to be taken during each month of pregnancy. Milk decoction is one among them and it has to be drunk everyday before going to bed. It is prepared by mixing 15gms of the monthly advised herb/200mls milk/800mls water then boil it and reducing it to 1/4th the quantity.
– 8 flg leaf buds boiled in milk and then strained for three consecutive days
– For the rest of the month the milk decoction with Bala (Sida rhombifolia)
– Guarantees a healthy child
– Milk decoction with the herb Lakshmana (Ipomeoa sepiaria)
– Sonitamrtam (tonic) is given
– Provides energy
– Milk decoction is with Solanum melenginum (Bruhati)
– Milk decoction with Desmodium gangeticum (Shaliparni)
– Prevents intrauterine growth retardation
– Milk decoction with Amrita (Tinospora cordifolia)
– Milk decoction is with Solanum xanthocarpum (Kantakari)
– if there is water retention problem then Tribulus Terrestris may be given
– Milk decoction along with Hordeum vulgare(yava)
– Sukha prasava Ghee is given to pave a way for an easy delivery
– Maerua oblongiflia and milk is given
– Dhanwantaram 101 or Ksheerabala 101 is taken
– Lubricates the reproductive channels in preparation for childbirth
– Milk decoction with Asparagus racemosus (Shatavari) during this month
** During pregnancy women may undergo cramps, sleeplessness for which medicated oils like Dhanwantharam, Sahacharadi, Pinda tail are used. This ensures peripheral circulation too. To have a normal delivery medicated ghee like sukhaprasoothi ghrita is given.
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