Consult with Doctor

Enhance your Hair Health through Ayurveda

Sesa OilHair is the one of the first things people notice about you and to have a head full of thick, soft, lustrous hair is the dream of many. But regrettably, only a handful of us actually have a head full of hair worth boasting about. Hair problems have dramatically risen over the last century so much so that it is nearly impossible to find someone who doesn’t suffer from at least one hair problem.

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The common hair problems suffered by many include hair loss, premature greying, dandruff, fungal infections, inflammation of hair follicles, etc. Loads of money are spent in the treatment of hair problems. Unfortunately many of the treatments only provide short-term relief and do not get to the root cause of the problem, thus making it recur.

Ayurveda and hair problems

According to Ayurveda, the centuries old form of holistic treatment, hair health is defined by the food we consume and the lifestyles we lead. An unhealthy diet and lifestyle is one of the major causes of hair problems. The metabolic processing of the food we consume generates the nutrient plasma that provides the nourishment to our hair. Any disturbances in the metabolism, causes our doshas, (prakirthik energy) to go out of balance which affects our well being.

In Ayurveda, hair problems are treated depending on the predominant dosha of the individual. Generally, hair problems arise when there is excess pitta dosha in our body. The main causes of excess pitta in our body include:

  • Overconsumption of caffeinated drinks
  • Overconsumption of fried, spicy and acidic foods
  • Stress
  • Lack of proper sleep routine
  • Excessive smoking and drinking of alcoholic beverages
  • Low physical activity

The solution to treating hair problems thus lies in bringing the aggravated three doshas into balance. This can be achieved by modifications in diet and lifestyle and by using Ayurvedic herbal products that not only treat the problem but also prevents its recurrence by identifying the root cause of the problem.

Sesa Ayurvedic hair oil – the answer to your hair problems

An Ayurvedic herbal hair oil, Sesa Oil contains properties that help cure many of the hair problems that we suffer from. It not only provides nourishment to the hair but also acts as a rejuvenator for the scalp and roots, promoting hair growth. It contains only natural ingredients and thus can be used by anyone suffering from hair problems without causing any known side effects.

Sesa oil is prepared using the ancient Ayurvedic process called the Tail Pak Vidhi. Sesa Oil contains a blend of 18 herbal extracts and five herbal oils processed in milk. The principle ingredients of this formulation include

  • Brahmi – stimulates hair growth, rejuvenates hair and prevents hair fall
  • Bringraj – rejuvenates hair, prevents hair loss and balding and makes hair darker
  • Neem – contains antibacterial and antifungal properties, cures problems of lice infestation
  • Jati – provides a lovely fragrance and contains wound healing properties
  • Neelini – prevents hair loss, gives hair softness and shine and provides relief from dandruff
  • Mehendi – keeps hair glowing and lustrous

Five amazing benefits of Sesa Oil

Regular massaging of your hair with Sesa oil can provide you with a host of benefits for your hair. Its perfect combination of herbal extracts will not provide a remedy for your hair problems but also enhance your hair health a great deal, resulting in thick soft lustrous hair and a healthy scalp.

Some of the amazing benefits gained by using Sesa oil include

  • Have hair that is free of split ends and dandruff
  • Have hair that is softer, glossy and full of life
  • Acquire deep dark rich hair colour without artificial dyes
  • Have a scalp that is free from fungal infections and hair that is free from lice infestations
  • Obtain long lustrous locks within a short period of starting on the oil

Warming the Sesa oil before massaging it on the hair and scalp will help you to derive more benefits from it. For best results the oil should be massaged in a gentle circling motion and left on for at least 15minutes before washing.

Thinning hair, receding hair, split ends, dandruff, grey hair are now all things of the past with the regular use of Sesa oil. Start on a bottle of Sesa oil today and acquire hair that is the envy of all.

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