Consult with Doctor

Boost your Brain Power the Simple way with Ayurveda

Click here! To buy Kerala Ayurveda Brahmi Pearls herbal brain nourisher

Our brain comprises of around a hundred billion neurons that communicate with each other and other parts of our body by sending and receiving messages through a system of nerve pathways. As we age, the connectivity between the neurons decreases which in turn results in decrease in brain functions. Fortunately for us, the decline in brain function can be arrested by making a few simple changes in our daily routine that will not only fend off mental ageing but also enable our brain to function at its peak throughout our life. The modifications in your daily routine that can be can be implemented to help you maximize your brain’s cognitive potential include:

  • Engage your mind by learning and performing new activities – Constant exposure to new activities like taking up a new hobby, learning to play an instrument, etc can stimulate the production of new neurons which in turn results in increased memory and learning ability.
  • Do tasks the hard way – we live in a time where things can be done without much effort with the help of multitudes of gadgets. Their efficiency in doing our work has lessened the need for us to use our brain’s cognitive skills, thus resulting in decline in our brain’s cognitive functions. By doing tasks the hard way instead of relying on gadgets can help our brain to stay fit throughout our lifetime.
  • Practice relaxation techniques everyday – it could be anything from listening to music to reading a good book. Spending a little time doing the things you love can help to make you more resilient to stress and reduce anxiety levels in our body.
  • Eat healthy – incorporate foods that are rich in antioxidants found in fruits, selenium found in Brazil nuts, omega -3 found in salmon, carotenoids and flavonoids found in dark green leafy vegetables in your diet to slow mental aging
  • Have herbal supplements that help in promoting brain health – consuming herbal supplements can provide protection against disorders like parkinson’s, alzeimers, etc. and help make a remarkably notable difference in your learning abilities, mental clarity, mood and memory power.

Brahmi – the effective Ayurvedic way to enhance your brain power

Ayurvedic herbs have been used to treat various disorders and ailments since time immemorial. Each Ayurvedic herb possesses a host of benefits that not only helps in treating the ailment without causing any adverse side effects but also, in most cases, help rejuvenate the body and provide nourishment.

Brahmi (Bacopa monniera) is one such Ayurvedic herb that has been used by Ayurvedic practitioners for almost 3000 years to enhance the cognitive functions of the brain which include memory, recall, attention, comprehension, problem solving, planning, etc. and other mental disorders like alzheimer’s, dementia, insomnia, depression, etc. Found in abundance in the Indian Subcontinent, this unassuming herb is used as itself or in formulations to treat various disorders, particularly that which affects the mental health of an individual.

Derived from the Sanskrit word “Brahman” meaning the “totality of life”, Brahmi contains various properties that strengthens the mind while soothing and relaxing it. It has been used as a brain and nervine tonic since ancient times. According to Ayurveda, Brahmi is said to enhance the three basic components of the mind, the Dhi – the power of learning, the Dhirti – the power of retention and the Smriti – the power to recall. It pacifies the pitta dosha, one of the three dosha that constitutes our prakirti (bodily constitution) and has sattvic qualities.

Five reasons why taking Brahmi capsules can make a healthy difference for your brain

Brahmi’s effectiveness as an herbal remedy for curing debilitating mental conditions generally brought by declining age has made it a popular herb of choice. Below are a few of the reasons why Brahmi has become one of the most sought-after herbs for enhancing brain power and treating various disorders.

  • It creates a balance in the amounts of the essential chemicals gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate within the brain thus producing a noticeable improvement in the intellectual capability of an individual.
  • Two active compounds – Bacosides A and B – found in Brahmi are said to improve the transmission of impulses between the nerve cells found in the brain, helping in long and short term learning and memory.
  • It contains properties that modulate levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays an important role in regulating moods, among other things. This is said to reduce the effects of stress and anxiety.
  • It contains antioxidant properties, which is one of the main reasons for its ability to enhance cognitive functions of the brain and also stall mental decline once a person grows old.
  • Its ability to stimulate dopamine receptors in the brain has made it a valuable tool in treating depression and disorders like Parkinson’s.
  • It is known to significantly improve reasoning abilities when taken in the prescribed dosage.

Brahmi comes in various forms, namely in the tablet, capsule, and powder forms. Consuming Brahmi in the capsule form is preferred by most as there is no bitter taste to it. Brahmi is best taken in the morning in a dosage prescribed by an Ayurvedic physician. Though Brahmi does not cause any known side effects, it should be only consumed after checking with a qualified physician.

Start with Brahmi capsules today and give your brain the power to function at its best throughout your life.

Click here to buy

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