Consult with Doctor

Get a Sparkling and Problem-Free Skin with Ayurveda

To Buy Dabur Natural Neem Soap Click here!

Skin problems are generally caused by various external and internal factors which include:

  • Exposure to extreme hot or cold weathers
  • Stress
  • Over consumption of alcohol and excessive smoking
  • Diet which contains more refined and processed foods than natural ones
  • Low water consumption
  • Lack of proper sleep
  • Genetics

Fortunately for us, getting and maintaining a clear and problem-free skin is a totally achievable goal. Controlling our food habits and opting for natural remedies to treat skin disorders can go a long way in gaining a healthy skin without the need for loading your skin with artificial and expensive products.

Ayurveda and skin care

According to Ayurveda, our skin is the by product of plasma, muscles and tissues and consists of seven layers, each layer having a distinct function to perform which keeps our skin healthy. If these functions are affected, due to improper care, our skin gets damaged. This is one of the causes of skin problems in many people.

Another main factor for skin problems according to Ayurveda is when the three dosha (body energy) – the kappa, pitta and vata – that make up our body constitution, are out of balance. An improperly functioning metabolic system and sluggish blood circulation are the main culprits for creating an imbalance. If the metabolic system does not function effectively, it causes toxins (ama) to build up in the body causing a host of problems that affect our well being.

Ayurvedic physicians treat skin problems depending on the person’s constitutional dosha. Ayurvedic herbs and its formulations are prescribed depending on the body type to balance the dominant dosha.

Things that you need to do for a healthy skin

  • Eat food that nourishes the body instead of ones that only fill you up with empty calories
  • Practice regular skin care routine. Cleanse, tone and moisturize the skin using only natural products to reduce build up of toxins that are otherwise found in chemical products.
  • Massage skin at least weekly with a good herbal massage oil that suits your body type
  • Use products that are suitable for your body constitution
  • Build up a sweat by working out at least for 20 minutes everyday
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and help flush out the toxins from the body
  • Avoid late nights and get at least eight hours of sleep to give time for the body to replenish its stores
  • Beat stress by practicing relaxation techniques
  • Use herbs which have anti-fungal and antiseptic properties to fight off any skin infections as part of your skin care

Neem – the natural cure for skin problems

The unassuming neem tree provides health benefits to us that are far too innumerable to count. Every part of the tree is beneficial in some way or the other, making it one of the most popular herbs used to treat a variety of ailments that affects us. Its main use is as a beauty aid, used to obtain a healthy and glowing skin. Over the years, extracts of neem have been used in soaps, shampoos and make up products to enhance one’s appearance.

Properties that makes Neem a remedy for skin problems

Neem contains a host of properties that makes it one of the best herbs to fight skin problems and ensure a healthy skin. They include:

  • Its anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and antiseptic properties make it an ideal herb for treating acne and rosacea (a skin condition characterized by facial redness). Neem leaves boiled in water, strained and applied on affected portions of the skin is an effective remedy for this type of skin problems.
  • It possesses analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that reduces itchiness and soothes inflammation of the skin making it an ideal remedy for psoriasis.
  • Its antioxidant properties helps fight off signs of ageing and lightens and evens the skin tone for people suffering from skin pigmentation.
  • It acts as a moisturizing agent, keeping the skin moisturised and soft.
  • Neem contains antiseptic and anti-bacterial properties that can help in treating pimples. Neem leaf powder made into a paste and applied on the skin is an effective remedy for this.
  • Its regenerative property helps to keep the skin supple and reduces the signs of ageing.

Neem’s versatile benefits make it an ideal herb to treat the many skin problems that we suffer from. Regular use of neem, both externally and internally can bring about a healthy difference to your skin tone. As with all herbal products, it is best to consult an ayurvedic physician for the correct dosage, if you are planning to take neem internally. Start using neem today and enjoy a skin that glows with health.

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Consult with Doctor

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