Consult with Doctor


Understanding The Background Of Varanadi Kashayam Tablet

Varanadi Qwath/ Kashayam/ Kwath Tablets

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Varanadi Kashayam tablet is the new presentation of classical Varanadi Kashayam preparation for the easy intake. Varanadi gana herbs of sixteen numbers are taken in equal parts for the preparation of the medicine. Kapha and Medas are managed by the preparation and the wise full extension of the wisdom of Ayurvedic Tridosha theory enable this preparation to manage fever to carcinoma.

Ingredients of Varanadi Kashayam Tablet

Varuna (Crataeva religiosa)

Sairyaka (Strobilanthes ciliatus)
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus)
Dahana (Plumbago zeylanica)
Morata (Chenomorpha fragrans)
Bilwa (Aegle marmelos)
Vishanika (Aristolochia bracteolate)
Brihati (Solanum melongena)
Bhadra (Aerua lanata)
Karanja (Pongamia glabra)
Pootikaranja (Holoptelia integrifolia)
Jaya (Premna corymbosa)
Pathya (Terminalia chebula)
Bahalapallava (Moringa olifera)
Darbha (Desmostachya bipinnata)
Rujakara (Semecarpus anacardium)

In my personal experience, the key ingredient of this combination is Rujakara – Semecarpus anacardium





semecarpus-anacardium-3Courtesy: Flickr

All other herbs are acting as the promoter or pacifier or regulator of the effect of Semecarpus. The wide effect of Varanadi Kashayam in treating various ailments can be attributed to this unique combination lead by Semearpus. The fruit and nut extract shows various activities like antiatherogenic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-reproductive, CNS stimulant, hypoglycemic, anticarcinogenic and hair growth promoter.  This has been evaluated and can read more here-

The second main ingredient is Varuna and the name of the preparation belongs to this beautiful holy herb.



dsc_0017-copyImages by Dr. Rajesh B

Varuna has strong Kapha Samana property and enables the proper functioning of digestive fire.

Indications of Varanadi Kashayam Tablet

Varanadi kashayam has strong Anti inflammatory, Anti microbial and anti carcinogenic properties.

  1. Tumor › pmc › articles › PMC3847419 The tumors of benign or carcinomic origin can be treated with Varanadi tablet
  2. Carcinoma of different etiology  The anti-carcinogenic property of Semecarpus along with other potential drugs in this combination helps to fight against Carcinoma. There are numerous clinical studies to substantiate the claim.
  3. Headache/ Migraine  Most of the headache or migraine has the root cause of indigestion and impaired metabolism. Varanadi has all ingredients to reinstate the impaired functions and relieve the gastric irritation and indigestion. Thus the normalcy is attained and a permanent cure for the throbbing pain has resulted.
  4. Fever
  5. Obesity  The accumulation of fat due to impaired metabolism is the root cause of obesity. Varanadi brings the equilibrium of the metabolism and the potent drugs in the combination removes the fat accumulated in the body tissues. The heat exchange through the skin helps to keep the body from getting more fat deposits.
  6. Thyroid disorders Hypothyroidism is the impairment of the digestive system and as mentioned earlier, Varanadi has potent herbs which bring the normalcy of the thyroid secretions.
  7.  Hepatitis
  8. Uterine Fibroids The impairment of the hormonal system in the reproductive system triggers the fibroids and Varanadi pacifies the hectic environment and shrinks the fibroids.
  9.  Rheumatism As per the Tridosha theory of Ayurveda, the challenges to the locomotor system is caused due to the vitiated Vata. Varanadi has exotic drugs which can stabilize the vitiated Vata and thus treats Rheumatism without any side effects.
  10. Indigestion
  11. PCOS The impairment of the hormonal system in the reproductive system results in hormonal imbalance and PCOS and Varanadi brings the hormonal balance naturally.
  12. Endometriosis
  13. Adenomyosis
  14. Anemia
  15. Renal Calculi

The list is not complete and Ayurvedic doctors use this medicine for several other indications on the basis of Tridhosha theory.

Dosage and Mode of Usage

Two tablets twice daily before food or as directed by the physician.

Please take Kashayam tablets with lukewarm water 10- 15 minutes before food.

Liquid Kashayam

15ml with 60 ml boiled lukewarm water twice daily before food.

Varanadi KES ( Kashayam Extract Sachets) will be launched on 2020 January by Sreemed Labs and Ayurvedaforall will launch it internationally at the same time. The dosage of KES is one sachet with 60ml boiled water twice daily before food. KES is free from preservatives.


As mentioned, Semecarpus is an ingredient in Varanadi Kashayam tablet and so better to avoid non-vegetarian food during the intake of tablet. Other foodstuffs not to be taken along with Varanadi are

  1.  Curd
  2. Red chilly
  3. Refrigerated deserts.


You can do moderate exercises and yoga.


Keep away from Alcohol, Direct sunlight, and Tobacco.

Side effects

There are no side effects if used in prescribed doses. Patients having an allergy to Semecarpus should follow the instructions of the physician.

Brands available in Ayurvedaforall.Com

  1. Arya Vaidya Nilayam, Madurai.
  2. Arya Vaidyasala, Kottakkal.
  3. Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala, Trissur.
  4. Kerala Ayurveda, Aluva.
  5. Bipha Drug Laboratories, Kottayam.
  6. Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Coimbatore.
  7. Sitaram Ayurveda, Trissur.


Research papers.

  1. › pmc › articles › PMC3847419

Buy Varanadi Kashayam Tablets here-


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