Rajapravartini vati is an Ayurvedic medicine used in the management of amenorrhoea. This tablet contains mineral ingredients along with herbs. This medicine should only be taken as per the direction of a physician.
What is Rajapravartini Vati used for?
1. This medicine is particularly administered in the management of amenorrhoea.
2.This medicine is also effective in difficulties associated with menstruation.
- Primary and secondary Amenorrhoea
- Oligomenorrhoea
- Hypomenorrhoea
- Dysmenorrhoea
SL SANSKRIT NAME ENGLISH/ LATIN QUANTITY ACTION 1 TANKANA borax 1 part The beneficiary effect in vaginal itching, irritations 2 HINGU Ferula asafoetida 1part Carminative 3 KASEESA Blue vitriol 1 part Haematinic action 4 KANYASARA Aloe vera 1 part
1 part of each of the above-mentioned drugs triturated to obtain a homogenous mixture. This mixture further grounded well using the juice of aloe vera and tablets are made.
- Purification of tankana – by heating water losses and become powder form
- Purification of kaseesa – by grounded with the fresh juice of the lemon
- Dosha – This medicine is recommended for the treatment of vata and pitta dosha imbalance.
- Dushya- useful in diseases affecting rasa and rakta dhatus – irregular bleeding, amenorrhoea
- Roga marga – Useful in diseases affecting abhyanthara roga marga – diseases affecting the reproductive system.
Rajapravartini vati DOSAGE
- 1 to 2 tablets before or after food once or twice daily or as directed by an Ayurvedic doctor.
Yoga and Pranayama are a set of breathing and stretching exercises respectively, widely practiced in the treatment of many diseases.
Nadi Shuddi Pranayam – for getting calmness to the mind and providing overall health
The patient needs to be seated in a meditative posture with the head and spine erect, with the body relaxed. The patient has to close his one nostril (e.g. left nostril if using the right hand and vice versa) with the thumb and exhale completely through the other nostril. Again, he will have to breathe in deeply through the other nostril while the opposite nostril is still closed with the thumb.
- Dhanurasana (Bow pose) – Dhanurasana is one of the best poses for your reproductive system.
- Ustrasana (Camel pose) – Ustrasana is a great exercise to regulate your periods and relieve menstrual pain.
- Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) – Bhujangasana is an excellent yoga asana for your reproductive organs.
- Avoid food items that produce vata , pitta and kapha dosha imbalance like cold, more acrid, sour and dry food, hard to digest. Because dosha imbalance aggravates the symptoms.
- Consume easily digestible food items
- Consume wholesome diet
Rajahpravartani vati sideeffects
This medicine should only be taken as per the direction of the physician.
Improper administration and overdosage lead to side effects.
Can this medicine be used while taking Allopathic medicines?
Seek your doctor’s advice if you are taking this medicine along with Allopathic medicines.
How long the medicine can be used?
Duration of medicinal administration is based on the stage of the disease. Before taking medicine consult an Ayurvedic physician.
Is this medicine habit forming?
This medicine is not habit-forming. After using it for a prescribed period gradually decrease the dose and eventually stop it.
Bhaishajya ratnavali – streeroga chikilsa
rajahpravartini-vati rajapravardhini-vati
- Nashta pushpantak ras
- Saptasaram kashayam
- Dabur
- Baidyanath
A clinical study to evaluate the efficacy of “rajah pravartini vati” on kashtartava w.s.r to primary dysmenorrhoea