Consult with Doctor


Balarishtam- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Contraindications, Brands, Research Papers


Balarishtam  is an effective Ayurvedic fermented liquid medicine.  Word ‘bala’ indicates that to strengthen the body. Also, the main ingredient of this preparation is Bala _ Sida Cordifolia, so the name comes as Balarishta.

What is the use of Balarishtam?


1.Balavardhana ( Improves Strength).

2.Pushtivardhana (Improves body nourishment).

3.Agnivardhana (Improves digestion strength)


 Neuralgia, Hemiplegia, Paraplegia, Arthritis, Spondylosis.

Excellent Anti inflammatorAnkle pain,

Ankle twitch, Slipped disc , Sprain, Back spasm, Lumbar pain, Stiffness of muscles, Coccyx pain.

Avascular necrosisSensory – Neural hearing loss hypothyroidism

Ankylosing Spondylitis

Balarishtam  Ingredients


For Preparing Decoction:

1 Bala Sida Cordifolia Whole plant 4.8kg
2 Ashwagandha Withania somnifera Root 4.8kg


Water for decoction – 49.152 litres

Boiled and reduced _ 12.288 litres

Jaggery _ 14.400 kg

For Preparing Prakshepaka Dravyas as Coarse powder form:


1 Payasa Ipomea digitata Whole plant 96g
2 Eranda Ricinus communis Root 96g
3 Rasna Pluchea lanceolata Root 96g
4 Ela Elettaria cardamomum Seed 48g
5 Prasarini Paederia foetida Root 48g
6 Clove Usheera Vetiveria  zizanioides Root 48g
7 Gokshura Tribulus terrestris Flower 48g
8 Dhataki Woodfordia fruticosa Flower 768g

Method of Preparation 

Ashwagandha and Bala are taken in coarse powder form and decoction is prepared by boiling in 50 litres of water, till it is reduced to ¼. Then the decoction is filtered, and it is transferred into a mud vessel. Then the jaggery as we already made it as liquid form, that liquid form is filtered, and it is transferred into a mud vessel. Then add all the prakshepaka dravyas and mix it well. Dhataki flowers add at the end at the top of this preparation. It will help to initiate the fermentation process. The mud vessel is kept undisturbed for 30 days. After one month the mixture is filtered and preserved into glass jars.These formulations should be used after 1 year for better results. Each 100 ml Balarishtam contains 19 gm of micronutrients of each herbs.


The image shows the wooden barrel as the fermentation process going on 30 days. This wooden barrel we call it as Eaglewood.

Method of Storage

Stored in an airtight glass bottle. Keep away from direct sunlight and moisture.

 Points to be noted about:


The flowers of this herb are used as a backbone of asava and arishta preparations because the flowers act as fermenting agents hence required to induce fermentation.

 Balarishtam Dosage

12 – 24 ML, one or two times a day, usually advised after food. If needed it can be mixed with an equal quantity of water. For better results, use under  the supervision of a qualified Ayurveda doctor will deliver the best cure for different ailments.


  • Standing hamstring stretch exercise
  • Partial curl exercise
  • Extension exercise
  • Butterfly pose yoga
  • Anjaneyasana yoga


Fatty Fish, Garlic, Ginger, Walnuts, and Grapes can be included in our daily diet regimen.

Avoid lifting too much, prolonged sitting, and sleeping in an uncomfortable position.

 Research Papers 

Ayurveda Journal Publication

Int. J.Pharm.Sci.Rev.Res, 42 (1), Januvary – Februvary 2017; Article NO. 05, Pages: 29 – 34

The Antioxidant Study of an Ayurvedic Medicine Balarishtam

Balarishtam is an Ayurvedic formulation used for the treatment of diseases caused due to   Vata imbalance such as brain-related dysfunctions. The present study deals with antioxidant activities such as DPPH assay; FRAP assay and Hydrogen Peroxide Scavenging Activities of Balarishtam. The results indicated that Balarishtam has very good antioxidant properties which could be one of the mechanisms responsible for the treatment of such diseases.




Bhaishajya Ratnavali Vata vyadhi chikitsa 26/607 – 610 (Bhaishajya Ratnavali is a Sanskrit text written by Kaviraj Govinda Das Sen in the 18th Century). This book contains formulations of Ayurveda and preparation methods.

Brands Available 

Dabur India


Kottakkal Arya Vaidyasala

Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala

Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala for Europe

AVN Madurai

AVP Coimbatore

Kerala Ayurveda

Sitaram Pharmacy

SNA Oushadhasala


Bipha Drug Laboratories

Balarishtam side effects

Large dose taking on empty stomach cause stomach irritation and stomach upset. Diabetic patients are not indicated to take this preparation.


Balarishta is a classical Ayurvedic medicine, widely used in Ayurvedic treatment for various neurological diseases. It’s a very patient-friendly medicine and taken under the supervision of a qualified Ayurveda doctor, will deliver the best cure for different ailments.

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