Consult with Doctor


Dasamoolahareethaki Leham- Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Usage, Side effects, Research Papers


It is an unparalleled and highly effective compound used in the treatment of Oedema. Act as best Rasayanas. These are some of the dasamoolahareethaki lehyam benefits that help for optimal well-being.

 Dasamoolahareethaki lehyam  Uses

  • Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) is the chief ingredient, so it acts as a good rasayana.
  • Immune Modulator
  • Rejuvenation


  • Swelling (Oedema)
  • Health-promoting
  • Best laxative ( Flushing off unwanted kleda in the cells which causes internal swelling).
  • Pravrudda Shvayathu (Widespread oedema)
  • Meha _ Diabetes Mellitus
  • Gulma _Abdominal tumors
  • Pandu _ Anaemia
  • Vivarnata _ Discolouration
  • Mutradosha _ Contamination of Urine

  Dasamoola Haritaki Lehyam Ingredients

   For Preparing Decoction

   Each 100 gm contains

1 Dasamoola 4 kg each

For Preparing below medicine in coarse powder form.

1 Bilwa Aegle marmelos Root 48g
2 Agnimantha Clerodendrum phlomidis Root 48g
3 Shyonaka Oroxylum indicum Root 48gm
4 Patala Stereospermum suaveolens Root 48g
5 Gambhari Gmelina arborea Fruit 48g
6 Shalaparni Desmodium  gangeticum Root 48gm
7 Prishnaparni Uraria picta Root 48gm
8 Brihati Solanum indicum Root 48g
9 Kantakari Solanum surrattense Whole plant 48g
10 Gokshura Tribulus Terrestris Flower 1000no
11 Trikatu Fruit 48gm

METHOD of Preparation

Firstly prepare Dasamoola kashayam  and kept aside after filtering. Prepare jaggery in liquid form. After filtering jaggery, it should be mixed with Dasamoola kashayam. Once it attains Avaleha lakshanas , slowly the prakshepaka choornam added and stir it well. After cooling 500 gm Honey should be added because to make the Avaleha soft.

Dasamoola Haritaki Rasayanam Dosage

Should be taken per day in a dose of Shukti pramana _ 24 gms

No specific Anupana. For better results, use under the supervision of a qualified Ayurveda doctor will deliver the best cure for different ailments.


The point and Flex Exercise

Ball Massage Exercise

Toe squeeze Exercise

Lizard pose

Pigeon pose

Butterfly pose


Avoid Sugar and high fructose food substances. Artificial trans fats

Refined carbohydrates

Excessive alcohol


Yoga Ratnakara Shotha Chikitsa

Brands available 

  1. Kottakkal Aryavaidyasala
  2. Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala
  3. AVN Madurai
  4. AVP Coimbatore
  5. Kerala Ayurveda
  6. Sitaram Pharmacy,
  7. SNA Oushadhasala
  8. Oushadhi.

Dasamoolahareethaki  Side effects

  • Large doses can cause purgation.
  • Taken under medical supervision.
  • Avoid pregnant women, lactating mothers, kids, old aged people.
  • Diabetic patient


Dasamoola Haritaki Lehyam  is a group of 10 roots with potent lung and kidney rejuvenating action. Lehyam means herbal jam preparation. This potent traditional Ayurvedic product is extensively used for the respiratory, vascular, and urinary systems.




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