Katakakhadiradi kashayam is an Ayurvedic medicine for treating diabetes mellitus and urinary tract disorders.
This yogam is specially made by traditional Kerala vaidyas.
katakakhadiradi kashayam uses
- It purifies the urine output from the body. It is used mainly in Diabetes mellitus where polyuria is the main symptom.
- It is used in some types of oedema as it clears the urine formation and excretion. By this, the water retention and electrolytes are in balance and the swelling gets cured. It is useful, especially in elderly people.
- As it has an effect on the proper management of water retention and electrolyte balancing in the body, it is used in many cases of hepatic and renal disorders.
- It is also used effectively in diabetic complications like neuropathy, nephropathy etc.
Prameha – Diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus and urinary tract disorders within 7 nights.
Katakakhadiradi kashayam Ingredients
Clearing nut tree | Kataka | Strychnos potatorum |
It improves taste & absorption, has scraping properties, used in the treatment of intestinal parasites, diseases of head & eyes, relieves abdominal pain. It clears and purify water, so it can purify the fluids in the body. It is useful in urinary tract disorders.
Cutch tree | Khadira | Acacia catechu |
It is the best drug for skin diseases. It is widely used to treat acute and chronic skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, heat rashes etc. It is a blood purifier and is used in bleeding disorders, fever, inflammatory arthritis, diabetic wounds etc.
Amla, Indian gooseberry | Dhatri | Emblica officinalis GAERTN. |
Amla exhibits strong antioxidant activity. It is one of the most important plants in the traditional Ayurvedic medical system as well as in other traditional health systems for immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antiulcer and hepatoprotective actions. It is widely used for anti-diabetic effect.It is a part of the famous group of drugs called Thriphala.
Salacia/Kotalahimbatu | Vairi | Salacia reticulata Wight. |
It is a famous drug used foe type 2 diabetes. It improves insuin resistance, glucose metabolism, and reduces obesity.
Indian barberry/chutro/tree turmeric | Darvi/Daruharidra
Berberis aristata |
It has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal anti-diarrhoeal and anti-cancerous properties. It is used in the treatment of ophthalmic infections.
Little tree plant | Samanga | Biophytum sensitivum
This plant extracts and its bioactive compounds have been known to possess antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antitumor, radioprotective, chemoprotective, antimetastatic, antiangiogenetic, wound-healing, immunomodulation, anti-diabetic, and cardioprotective activity.
Indian jujube/ Ber | Vidula/Badara | Ziziphus jujuba |
It improves digestive fire, clears Ama, and it is anulomana. It is used in the treatment of indigestion, loss of taste, loss of appetite, constipation, distension of abdomen, thirst and splenomegaly.
Rajani | Curcuma longa L.
Turmeric is used to help with heartburn or bowel problems like diarrhoea, intestinal gas, and bloating. It is famous for its anti-cancerous and detoxification effects. It is widely used in skin diseases. Some may use it to help with memory problems or problems with the liver or gallbladder. It may also help to lessen swelling and help with signs of arthritis. It has marked anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action.
false pareira root/ velvet leaf | Paatha | Cissampelos pareira L.
It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic actions. This plant is used to treat gynaecological conditions. Patha is used in the treatment of chronic non-healing ulcers and sinuses. It is also used in the treatment of chronic skin diseases and in the treatment of poisonous bites.
Seed of mango | Chootabeeja | Mangifera indica |
It has antidiabetic, anti-oxidant, anti-viral, cardiotonic, hypotensive, anti-inflammatory properties. Various effects like antibacterial, anti-fungal, anthelmintic, anti-parasitic, anti-tumour, anti-HIV, anti-bone resorption, antispasmodic, antipyretic, anti-diarrhoeal, anti-allergic, immunomodulation, hypolipidemic, anti-microbial, hepatoprotective, gastroprotective have also been studied.
Chebulic myrobalan | Abhaya/Hareetaki | Terminalia chebula RETZ. & WILLD. |
It is one of the main drugs in Ayurveda, one of the Rasayana and a member of an important group, Triphala. It is used in a wide variety of diseases as it possesses anti-bacterial anti-fungal anti-viral anti-diabetic anti-mutagenic anti-oxidant anti-ulcer and wound-healing properties.
Coco grass, Nut grass, Purple nutsedge | Abda | Cyperus rotundus L. |
It has marked anti-inflammatory action. It also has anthelmintic, antioxidant and antifungal properties. The drug improves lactation, relieves fever, burning sensation, and excessive thirst. It is also used in treating diarrhoea, dyspepsia and skin diseases.
Details of the manufacturing
As already discussed, Katakakhadiradi kashayam is prepared using 8 ingredients in equal quantity.
All these ingredients should be washed well and dried up in shade.
Take the prescribed herbs in dried & crushed form in an earthen pot. Now add 16 times clean water into it. Make it boil and then cook in the open vessel with low fire. Reduce the quantity into one by eighth of the initial quantity. Make sure to mix it in between with a ladle. Also, the fire should be kept low to make sure that all the active ingredients in the herbs needed are absorbed well into the water. Once the quantity is reduced to one by eighth of the initial amount of water, remove the vessel from the fire. Squeeze and drain through a clean white cloth. Collect the decoction in a clean vessel and discard the solid waste. Drink the mild warm decoction.
Dosha Dooshya Predominance with roga margas.
This kashayam is Kapha-Pittahara.
It acts on aabhyantara rogamarga.
Katakakhadiradi kashayam Dosage
Dosage: two Pala.
Kashayam is advised to take in empty stomach, once the ingested food is digested well and aahaararasa is formed well.
Usage of kashayam with prescribed prakshepadravyas according to the condition of disease and the patient gives the best results mostly.
It is advised to take it with honey. But in diabetic patients, using commercially marketed honey is not advised. If it is taken with honey, it should be completely cooled.
Exercises and Yoga.
As Katakakhadiradi kashayam targets mainly circulatory system and electrolyte balance, only mild exercises are advised.
In persons with fever and urinary tract infections, physical exercises are not recommended.
But in diabetic persons, regular exercises and physical activities are advised.
Also, specific yogacharya including nadisuddhi pranayama, pavanamuktasana, vajrasana, bhujangaasana etc is recommended.
Regular exercise after regaining normal health helps improve bioavailability of the food ingested and leads to positive health.
Yoga can maintain harmony within the body and with the surrounding system.
Nadisudhi pranayama
Simple exercises for lungs and heart health
All the exercises and physical exertions must be decided and done under the supervision of a medical expert only.
Recommended diet and behaviour
- To be avoided
Sweet food items and sweeteners.
Hot spicy and pungent food items like pickles
Heavy meals and difficult to digest foods – cause indigestion.
junk foods- cause disturbance in digestion and reduces the bioavailability of the medicine
carbonated drinks – makes the stomach more acidic and disturbed digestion
refrigerated and frozen foods – causes weak and sluggish digestion by weakening Agni (digestive fire)
Milk and milk products other than buttermilk – increase kapha and cause indigestion. It may cause obstruction in the channels also.
curd – causes vidaaha and thereby many other diseases.
- To be added
Light meals and easily digestible foods
Green gram, soups, arrowroot, bitter gourd.
freshly cooked and warm food processed with cumin seeds, ginger, black pepper, ajwain etc
Avoid sedentary life. Be active.
Avoid stress.
Protect yourself from very hot climate.
Better to avoid exposure to excessive sunlight, wind, rain or dust.
Maintain a regular food and sleep schedule.
Avoid holding or forcing the urges like urine, faeces, cough, sneeze etc.
Katakakhadiradi kashayam Side effects
No known side effects reported.
Classical references
Equivalent medicines.
Katakakhadiradi kashayam
Katakadi Tablet from Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala
Brands Available
SNA Oushadhasala
Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala
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