Category Archives: Arthritis
Rheumatic Diseases and Alternative Ayurvedic Treatments
Yoga for Arthritis
Arthritis is decalcification and demineralization of the bones and the patient suffer from a lack of moisture in the connective tissues. Arthritis patients often gain greater mobility of the joints, relief from pain and a reduction in inflammation by practicing yoga which helps in increasing the fluid to the joints and muscles. Simple asana movements … Continue reading Yoga for Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis- ayurveda treatment
Rheumatoid arthritis which is described as “Amavata” in Ayurveda is a joint disorder which affects multiple joints a various sites. ‘Ama’ means toxic which is produced in the body due to weakening of digestive fire. This ‘Ama’ is then carried by ‘Vayu’ and travels throughout the body and accumulate in the joints, which is the … Continue reading Rheumatoid arthritis- ayurveda treatment
Cervical spondylosis- signs, symptoms, ayurvedic view – early detection
For Buying Special offer of Himalaya 180 Rumalaya forte + 6 Rumalaya gel Click Here! Ayurveda is the Vedic system of health care that developed in India over 5000 years ago, which is a natural therapy hence it has no side effect or any complications. Computer professionals whose work demands lot of work sitting on … Continue reading Cervical spondylosis- signs, symptoms, ayurvedic view – early detection
Ten herbs for the future
Aloe vera Leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Its widely used in cosmetic industry. Catharanthus roseaus Contains more than 70 alkaloids, which includes ajamalicine, serpentine and reserpine. The anti cancer drug namely Vincristine and Vinblastine are produced from this plant. Coleus forskohlii Forskohlin, … Continue reading Ten herbs for the future
Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout
What is Gout? Ayurveda considers gout as one of the diseases caused due to the imbalance of the Vaata (wind) element in the body. Pitta (bile) and Kapha (phlegm) are the other two elements. In a healthy individual these three elements are balanced. Disturbance of any element causes innumerable diseases. In fact, Vaata alone causes … Continue reading Ayurvedic Treatment for Gout
Arthritis and Ayurveda treatment
The concept of Arthritis in Ayurveda : “Arthritis” is not just a term that doctors use when they talk about painful, stiff joints. The term arthritis is derived from the Greek words – ‘arthron’ meaning joint and ‘itis’ meaning inflammation. In fact, it is an ailment that grips atleast one in every 10 people. Arthritis is of … Continue reading Arthritis and Ayurveda treatment
Rhue oil – from immobility to mobility
Click Here to buy Rhue Oil here! Contents Cedrus deodara tail 15%, Mahanarayan tail 10%, Gaultheria fragrantissima tail 10%, Brassica campestris tail 10%, Cinnamomum camphora 9%, Eucalyptus globules tail 8%, Trachyspermum ammi 7%, Mentha piperita 7%, Celastrus paniculata tail 5%, Mahaviahgarbh tail 5%, Mahamash tail 5%, Vitex negundo tail 5%, Cinnamomum zeylanicum tail 2%, Syzygium … Continue reading Rhue oil – from immobility to mobility
R-Pairyn tablet- to restore mobility.
Click Here! to buy R-Pairyn Tablet here Each R.Pairyn tablet contains: Ashwagandha ( Withannia somnifera) 40mg, Mahayograj gulggul 80mg, Trayodasnga guggul 40mg, Maharasnadi ghan 30mg, Shanka bhasma 30mg. Action: Modifies auto immune response, decreases morning stiffness, and ensures improvement and maintenance of joint functions. Indications 1. Rheumatic arthritis. 2. Infective polyarthritis. 3. Osteoarthritis. 4. Arthralgia. … Continue reading R-Pairyn tablet- to restore mobility.
Chyawanprash- Magical polyherbal combination arrests aging.
Click here! To order Dabur Chyawanprash Online now The chyawanprash is a classical lehya preparation. Its recipe is scripted in almost all the texts like Charak samhita, Susrutha samhita, Ashtanga hridaya and Ashtanga samgraha. There is a mythological story behind Chyawanprash. According to Mahabharata Chyawan was one of the eight sons of Bhrigu and Puloma. He … Continue reading Chyawanprash- Magical polyherbal combination arrests aging.
Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda
Obesity is the one of the major life style disorders of current times. Diabetes, Cardiologic manifestations etc are the secondary happenings of obesity. Lack of exercise and improper diet has played a significant role in this alarming situation. Over 90% of the present day obesity is due to the above reasons. These conditions have been … Continue reading Obesity Treatment in Ayurveda