Category Archives: Neurology
Virus – Ayurvedic Concept
According to Ayurveda, an age old Indian natural healing system of medicine, each individual body constitution is made up of tridoshas namely vata, pitta or kapha. Any imbalance in the doshas which is caused by improper lifestyle and diet / stress leads to attract virus towards it. Virus, a simple submicroscopic parasites of planst and … Continue reading Virus – Ayurvedic Concept
Ayurvedic Massage Treatments
Ayurveda, a prehistoric healing system, to live a healthy life, advises us to modify our activities which will be in rhythm with the nature. The body is subjected to the purification process through panchakarma therapy by cleaning the body, improving digestion and the metabolic processes hence the health is restored, To Buy Energizing Massage Oil … Continue reading Ayurvedic Massage Treatments
Osteo arthritis- Ayurvedic concept
According to Ayurveda, an ancient medical science, Osteoarthritis a degenerative joint disease occurs due to aggravation of VATA, and is known as Sandhigata vata. Vayana vata dosha, one of the five types of vata dosha (dosha of air and empty space) governs the entire body and mind movements, like blood flow, heart pulsation, breathing and … Continue reading Osteo arthritis- Ayurvedic concept
Ayurveda Medicine
Ayurvedic medicine an ancient Indian healing system is right in sync with our growing awareness of the mind-body connection and places equal emphasis on body, mind, and spirit and strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual. CONCEPT : The basic concept of Ayurvedic medicine is that the body is seen as a microcosmic … Continue reading Ayurveda Medicine
Yoga for Arthritis
Arthritis is decalcification and demineralization of the bones and the patient suffer from a lack of moisture in the connective tissues. Arthritis patients often gain greater mobility of the joints, relief from pain and a reduction in inflammation by practicing yoga which helps in increasing the fluid to the joints and muscles. Simple asana movements … Continue reading Yoga for Arthritis
Mental diseases- Ayurveda concept
Ayurveda is a “science of life and longevity”, a traditional system of medicine of India which considers the mind to be one of the three pillars (tristhuna) on which life depends. Ayurvedic concept of mind (manas prakriti) is both broad and illuminating. Mind is built from different aspects. Buddhi, the intellect is the digestive … Continue reading Mental diseases- Ayurveda concept
Cervical spondylosis- signs, symptoms, ayurvedic view – early detection
For Buying Special offer of Himalaya 180 Rumalaya forte + 6 Rumalaya gel Click Here! Ayurveda is the Vedic system of health care that developed in India over 5000 years ago, which is a natural therapy hence it has no side effect or any complications. Computer professionals whose work demands lot of work sitting on … Continue reading Cervical spondylosis- signs, symptoms, ayurvedic view – early detection
Cardostab Tablet
To buy Cardostab click here! For the natural and effective management of hypertension, utilize the all- round action of Cardostab tablets Main actions Sarpagandha being the time tested and dependable anti hypertensive from the nature contains the non isolated and naturally balancing total alkaloids of the whole herb and hence free from all sequels. It also … Continue reading Cardostab Tablet
Ten herbs for the future
Aloe vera Leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Its widely used in cosmetic industry. Catharanthus roseaus Contains more than 70 alkaloids, which includes ajamalicine, serpentine and reserpine. The anti cancer drug namely Vincristine and Vinblastine are produced from this plant. Coleus forskohlii Forskohlin, … Continue reading Ten herbs for the future
Arthritis and Ayurveda treatment
The concept of Arthritis in Ayurveda : “Arthritis” is not just a term that doctors use when they talk about painful, stiff joints. The term arthritis is derived from the Greek words – ‘arthron’ meaning joint and ‘itis’ meaning inflammation. In fact, it is an ailment that grips atleast one in every 10 people. Arthritis is of … Continue reading Arthritis and Ayurveda treatment