Category Archives: Paediatrics
ADHD is a condition that cannot be treated and cured only with medication alone. Modern medicine relies more on behavioural therapy and cognitive therapy than on medication in treating the condition. However, those who have this condition can be cured of the complications related to this if treated early according to Ayurvedic principles.
Liv 52 drops- A healthy appetite ensurer
To Buy Special Pack of Liver-52 Click Here! Liv 52 drops is an Ayurvedic growth tonic which has no side effects like cyproheptadine. Cyproheptadine inhibits growth hormone secretion during sleep, possibly by antagonizing serotoninergic mechanisms. Liv 52 drops increases bile secretion, restores liver function and corrects metabolism, improves digestion and assimilation, increases serum protein and … Continue reading Liv 52 drops- A healthy appetite ensurer
Breast feeding- Myth and reality
Myth #1 – Bottle Feeding is Easier than Breastfeeding Breastfeeding is a simple natural process which ensures essential nutrients to baby. Bottle feeds will damage kid’s digestion. Myth #2 – Breastfeeding will lose the shape of breasts. The shape of the breast is never lost by the feeding whereas loose clothing etc will sag the … Continue reading Breast feeding- Myth and reality
Baby feeding- Ayurvedic concept
In ayurveda breast milk is called as nectar. Brest milk is sterile; it has got all the nutrients and antibodies what the child needs. Ayurveda believes that the benefits of the breast-feeding, has no parallel. Breast milk is rich in all the vital nutrients and provides the baby with requisite energy for the all round … Continue reading Baby feeding- Ayurvedic concept
Ayurvedic medicines- How are they formed?
Ayurvedic medicines like Kashayams, Arishtas, Asavas , medicated oils , tablets and ghees are prepared following strict procedures outlined in classical texts of ayurveda like Ashtangahrudayam. Here we outline the making of these.
The ingredients are collected, identified properly then cleaned and dried. Each of the ingredients is pulverised separately and homogenously mixed together as per the formula. These powders are used directly or with additives or used for making decoction according to the condition of patients and diseases.
Memory Ayurvedic concept
To Buy Medicine for memory disdorder click here! Ayurveda, knowledge of life is based on the fundamental principle of Tridoshas. It states that memory is a capacity of the brain to retain information about the past thereby helps us in planning our future. By undergoing an effective ayurvedic treatment a sluggish memory can be transformed … Continue reading Memory Ayurvedic concept
Virus – Ayurvedic Concept
According to Ayurveda, an age old Indian natural healing system of medicine, each individual body constitution is made up of tridoshas namely vata, pitta or kapha. Any imbalance in the doshas which is caused by improper lifestyle and diet / stress leads to attract virus towards it. Virus, a simple submicroscopic parasites of planst and … Continue reading Virus – Ayurvedic Concept
Ayurvedic Massage Treatments
Ayurveda, a prehistoric healing system, to live a healthy life, advises us to modify our activities which will be in rhythm with the nature. The body is subjected to the purification process through panchakarma therapy by cleaning the body, improving digestion and the metabolic processes hence the health is restored, To Buy Energizing Massage Oil … Continue reading Ayurvedic Massage Treatments
Fever in children – Ayurvedic concept and management
Ayurveda an ancient medical system, jwara (fever) can be said as the body’s natural way of burning ama (toxins) and one should not suppress it but if it goes beyond 102 degrees then one should take care to lower it During fever, body tries to digest ama (toxins) and protect itself. In this process excess … Continue reading Fever in children – Ayurvedic concept and management