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Category Archives: Paediatrics

Fever – Ayurvedic concept

Buy Anaril Ayurvedics Shadangam Here! Ayurveda, an ancient healing system refers fever as jwara, a condition in which the body condition goes beyond the normal temperature and is characterized by disturbance in normal functioning of the system. ** It believes that it is due to disruption of  any one or all the doshas or energy fields … Continue reading Fever – Ayurvedic concept

Acidity and Digestive disorders – Ayurveda medicine

According to Ayurveda, a holistic medical science, acidity if left unattended may cause many digestive disorders like nausea, vomiting ulcers and constipation. To buy medicine for acidity click here! In Ayurveda all diseased states including acidity arise as a result of ama (toxins) and all ama is the result of an improperly functioning agni (digestive … Continue reading Acidity and Digestive disorders – Ayurveda medicine

Ayurveda Medicine

Ayurvedic medicine an ancient Indian healing  system is right in sync with our growing awareness of the mind-body connection and  places  equal emphasis on body, mind, and spirit and strives to restore the innate harmony of the individual. CONCEPT : The basic concept of  Ayurvedic medicine is that  the body is seen as a microcosmic … Continue reading Ayurveda Medicine

Yoga in Pregnancy

Yoga, an ancient tradition of holistic health, is a great way to keep fit during pregnancy, to align body optimally for healthy carriage and natural delivery of baby.  It promotes a tranquil state of mind which is very important for the health of the mother and the baby. Yoga asanas along with breathing and relaxation … Continue reading Yoga in Pregnancy

Ten herbs for the future

Aloe vera Leaf contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids, and 12 vitamins. Its widely used in cosmetic industry. Catharanthus roseaus Contains more than 70 alkaloids, which includes ajamalicine, serpentine and reserpine. The anti cancer drug namely Vincristine and Vinblastine are produced from this plant. Coleus forskohlii Forskohlin, … Continue reading Ten herbs for the future

Arthritis and Ayurveda treatment

The concept of Arthritis in Ayurveda : “Arthritis” is not just a term that doctors use when they talk about painful, stiff joints. The term arthritis is derived from the Greek words – ‘arthron’ meaning joint and ‘itis’ meaning inflammation. In fact, it is an ailment that grips atleast one in every 10 people. Arthritis is of … Continue reading Arthritis and Ayurveda treatment

R-Pairyn tablet- to restore mobility.

Click Here! to buy R-Pairyn Tablet here Each R.Pairyn tablet contains: Ashwagandha ( Withannia somnifera) 40mg, Mahayograj gulggul 80mg, Trayodasnga guggul 40mg, Maharasnadi ghan 30mg, Shanka bhasma 30mg. Action: Modifies auto immune response, decreases morning stiffness, and ensures improvement and maintenance of joint functions. Indications 1. Rheumatic arthritis. 2. Infective polyarthritis. 3. Osteoarthritis. 4. Arthralgia. … Continue reading R-Pairyn tablet- to restore mobility.

Diabecon- the beacon of hope for diabetics

To buy Himalaya Diabecon special offer Click Here! Action of the formulation- Diabecon increases the peripheral utilisation of glucose and the hepatic and muscle glycogen content. Diabecon promotes β- cell repair/ regeneration and increases the C- peptide level. As it has antioxidant properties, Diabecon protects the β- cells from oxidative stress. Diabecon exerts insulin like action. … Continue reading Diabecon- the beacon of hope for diabetics

Chyawanprash- Magical polyherbal combination arrests aging.

Click here! To order Dabur Chyawanprash Online now The chyawanprash is a classical lehya preparation. Its recipe is scripted in almost all the texts like Charak samhita, Susrutha samhita, Ashtanga hridaya and Ashtanga samgraha. There is a mythological story behind Chyawanprash. According to Mahabharata Chyawan was one of the eight sons of Bhrigu and Puloma. He … Continue reading Chyawanprash- Magical polyherbal combination arrests aging.