• Zandu Brento Tablet

Zandu Brento Tablet

  • $4.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Zandu Brento Tablet

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Zandu Brento Tablet

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Zandu Brento Tablet

Available both as syrup and tablets, Brento is a Cerebral activator and cerebral nutrient.
Brento corrects impaired cognitive function. Brento improves overall mental performance, memory, concentration and learning abilities.
The cerebral activation and nourishment is attributed to 2 plants.
- Convolvulus Mycrophyllus and - Hydrocotyle Asiatica
Convolvulus Mycrophyllus known as Shankhapushpi, as decribed by Charaka, enhances intelligence and improves memory. It is a �Medhyarasayan�. The whole herb is used medicinally in the form of decoction.
Hydrocotyle Asiatica popularly known as �Brahmi� is advocated as �Rasayan� by all authorities in Ayurveda - charaka, Shushruta and Vagbhatt. It promotes brain functions and improves mental strength.

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Tags: brento, tablet, memory, disorders