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GOPICHANDANADI PILLS(Ref: Arogyakalpadrumam)INDICATION Prescribed in diseases commonly seen am..
GOROCHANADI PILLS(Ref: Sarvrogachikiltsaratnam)INDICATION Chronic fever. Recommended in interm..
GRUHADHOOMADI CHOORNAM(Ref: Ashtangahrudayam)INDICATION Swelling, pain, etc. related to rheuma..
GULGULUPANCHAPALAM CHOORNAM(Ref: Astangahrudayam)INDICATION Chronic skin diseases, fistula, wo..
GULGULUTHIKTHAKA GHRUTHA(Ref: Sahasrayogam)INDICATION Rheumatic complaints, skin diseases, tum..
GULGULUTHIKTHAKAMINDICATIONS Antiseptic, blood purifier, hematinic, appetizer, and restorative..
GULGULUTHIKTHAKAM KASHAYAM(Ref: Ashtangahrudayam)INDICATION Antiseptic, blood purifier, haemat..
GULUCHYADIINDICATIONS Indicated as antipyretic, digestive, effective in nausea vomiting, and e..
GULUCHYADI KASHAYAM(Ref: Sarngadhara Samhita)INDICATION Indicated as an antipyretic, appetizer,..
GYWOMININDICATIONS Functional impotence, sexual weakness, spermatorrhoea, and sexual neurosis...
HALE HAIR OILINDICATIONS Prevents untimely graying and loss of hair. Helps long, curly blackis..
HARIDRAKHANDAM(Ref: Baishajyaratnavali)INDICATION Urticaria, skin disorders, worm infestation,..
HINGUVACHADI CHOORNAM(Ref: Ashtangahrudayam)INDICATION Flatulence, pain in the chest, neck, sa..
HINGUVACHADI PILLS(Ref: Astangahrudayam)INDICATION Effective in indigestion, dyspepsia, stomac..
INDUKANTHA GHRUTHA(Ref: Sahasrayogam)INDICATION Rheumatic complaints, tuberculosis, ascites, d..