Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia

Arya Vaidya Nilayam Prostilon Tablets

Arya Vaidya Nilayam Prostilon Tablets

DESCRIPTIONAVN Prostilon Tablets by AVN Ayurveda Formulations Pvt. Ltd. is an ayurvedic proprietary ..


Ayulabs Reprost Capsule

Ayulabs Reprost Capsule

Benefits, Ingredients, Indications, Dosage, Diet, Precautions of Ayulabs Reprost Capsule.   B..


Charak Prosteez Tablets

Charak Prosteez Tablets

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, an enlargement of the prostate gland is a common disorder among older ..


Dabur Kshar Parpati

Dabur Kshar Parpati

DESCRIPTIONKshar Parpati is an Ayurvedic medicine in powder form, used in the treatment of Urine ret..


Dabur Nature Care Punarnava

Dabur Nature Care Punarnava

Nature Care Punarnava (extract of Hogweed root) aids kidney functions and helps eliminate toxins fro..


Dabur Shukramatrika Vati

Dabur Shukramatrika Vati

DESCRIPTIONShukramatrika Vati is herbs-mineral Ayurvedic medicine useful in the treatment of seminal..


Dabur Swarna Vanga

Dabur Swarna Vanga

Read More here-


Dabur Vanga Bhasma

Dabur Vanga Bhasma

S.No.  Sanskrit Name  Botanical/English Name  1.  Shuddh Vanga  Stannum (calcined)   Pharmacology : ..


Dabur Vrihat Vangeshwar Ras

Dabur Vrihat Vangeshwar Ras

DESCRIPTIONVrihat Vangeshwar Ras is an ayurvedic medicine used in the treatment of frequent urinatio..


Dey's Medicals Prostina Capsule
Himalaya Himplasia

Himalaya Himplasia

Himalaya Himplasia TabletHimalaya Himplasia Tablet is a formulation that promotes optimum prostate h..


Himalaya Himplasia Tablet Special Offer

Himalaya Himplasia Tablet Special Offer

Buy one........... Get one free......... Free shipping worldwide... Prices inclusive of shipping....


Himalaya Punarnava

Himalaya Punarnava

The Herb Latin Names Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. / Boerhaavia repens Linn. English Name Spreading ..


Himalaya Renalka Syrup

Himalaya Renalka Syrup

ACTIONRenalka is a well-balanced herbal formula with proven value in a variety of urinary disorders...


Himalaya Shigru

Himalaya Shigru

The Herb Latin Names Moringa oleifera Lam. / M. pterygosperma Gaertn. English Names Drumstick Tree, ..


Showing 1 to 15 of 23 (2 Pages)