Evanova Capsules

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 Evanova Capsules

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 Evanova Capsules

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Evanova Capsules

The soya enriched phytoestrogen that tackles perimenopausal signs, symptoms, and sequelae  Benefits:
No fear of cancer on long-term use unlike HRT
Relieves the annoying perimenopausal symptoms of hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia. Safe for long-term use.
Can delay the onset of osteoporosis and cardiovascular diseases.
Every woman can consume Evanova without doing any pretesting.
Reduces LDL and increases HDL on long-term use.

Effective Management of Peri-menopausal signs, symptoms, and sequelae.
Surgical menopause after hysterectomy or oophorectomy


One capsule twice daily, preferably with milk to ensure additional calcium intake.
Surgical menopause:
Dosage should be increased to two capsules twice daily.


Blisters of twenty capsules.

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