• Himalaya Hair Loss Cream

Himalaya Hair Loss Cream

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Himalaya Hair Loss Cream

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Himalaya Hair Loss Cream

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Himalaya Hair Loss Cream

Types of Hair Loss 

Alopecia Areata: It is a nonscarring, inflammatory, hair loss disease. It results in the sudden development of a bald patch. Various reasons for the occurrence of Alopecia Areata are:

Local scalp injury
Hereditary predisposition
Extreme climatic changes

There is no permanent cure for Alopecia Areata.

Diffuse Hair Loss: It is a gradual loss of hair over a period of time. It is normally not a permanent form of hair loss and eventually, the hair follicles can recover. The various causes of diffuse hair loss are:
Diet deficiencies
UV radiation: X-ray and Radiotherapy
Drugs: Anti Cancer drugs,
Oral contraceptives, etc.
Acute blood loss
Emotional stress
Hyperthyroidism or Hypothyroidism
Severe illness
Change of climate and water

Stimulates the Anagenic (Active) phase of the hair growth cycle
Induces quick multiplication of hair fiber cells
Improves tensile strength of hair and increases hair density
Note: Hair Loss Cream does not work in cases of Male Pattern Baldness (baldness due to genetic reasons). 
Visible Effects
Diffuse Hair Loss (Gradual loss of hair over a period of time):
20% reduction in hair loss in 2 weeks. Continued use ensures up to 70% reduction in hair loss in 6 months.
Alopecia Areata (sudden development of bald patch): Re-growth of 40% hair on the bald area within 3 months.
Associated symptoms of hair loss (itching/dryness/redness of scalp): 75% reduction in 2 weeks.
Hair pull test: 50% improvement in tensile strength of hair within a month. 100% normalization in 3 months.
Hair follicle count: 30% increase in count in 1 month. 50% normalization after 2 months and a complete normalization in 6 months after usage.
Effects 1 - 5 are seen upon DAILY use only.
Himalaya Hair Loss Cream has no side effects.
DO NOT use in case of scalp injury, cut, wound, or any other infection.
Clinically tested and proven effective on over 110 individuals.


Gently massage the cream into the scalp using fingertips. Cover the entire scalp, part by part. For best results, leave on overnight. Rinse in the morning if desired. Use daily. In case of severe hair loss, use twice daily. The cream might cause light staining on the clothes. The stain can be easily rinsed off with water.
Pack Size
Hair Loss Cream is available in pack sizes of 50ml and 100ml.
Research Paper 
Total no. of papers Clinical Papers
1 1

Each ml contains:
Butea monosperma *(Palasha)
Butea parviflora *(Palashabheda)
* U.S. Patent Pending 

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