• Himalaya Haritaki

Himalaya Haritaki

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Himalaya Haritaki

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Near-Expiry Medicines

Himalaya Haritaki

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Himalaya Haritaki

The Herb
Latin Name Terminalia chebula Retz.
English Name Chebulic Myrobalan
Sanskrit / Indian Name Haritaki
Terminalia Chebula is a tree with a rounded crown and spreading branches. Its principal constituents contain Chebulagic, chebulinic acid, and corilagin. Its fruits have laxative, stomachic, tonic, and alterative properties. It is also known as an adaptogen and hepatoprotective drug.
The fruit is astringent, tonic, purgative, carminative, alterative, stomachic, febrifuge, antiasthmatic. It is used in hemorrhoids, ophthalmia, sore throat, dental caries, bleeding, and ulcerated gums, and diseases of the spleen. Chebulin isolated from the dried fruits possesses antispasmodic activity resembling that of papaverine. The fruit is an antiviral, coagulant, and hypoglycemic.

It acts as a gentle laxative and helps in the smooth evacuation.


A gentle laxative that helps maintain regular bowel movements and ensures the comfort of smooth evacuation.


  It is used in Constipation




1 capsule twice a day after meals with water.
Please maintain an hour's gap between the intake of our products and other allopathic drugs.

* Recommended only at the age of 14 years and above.

The chromatograph is representative of the quality and consistency of the drug. Every single capsule of Himalaya Pure Herbs has identical chromatographs, indicative of the highest standards of quality maintained by us. The pure herb bought by you anywhere in the world provides you with the same goodness.


Akhtar, H. et. al., Eds., Dictionary of Indian Medicinal Plants, CIMAP, Lucknow, 1992, 458.

Inamdar, M.C. and Rajarama Rao, M.R., Studies on the pharmacology of Terminalia chebula., J. Sci. Ind. Res., 1962, 21C, 345.

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