Indraluptha Lepam
- Brand: Enpees, Chombala
- Product Code: AFA7009
- Weight: 10.00 Gram(s)
- Availability: In Stock
$15.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

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Indraluptha Lepam
Benefits, ingredients, indications, usage, side-effects, precautions, research papers and FAQs of Indralupta Lepam.
What is Indraluptha Lepam used for?
Ayurvedic pathogenesis of Alopecia.
The pitta (bhrajaka pitta) situated in the scalp region gets vitiated.Pitta in the company of vitiated vata, leads to withering or dislodgement of the hair from the roots.
Further to this, vitiated sleshma / kapha along with rakta will cover and causes obstruction in root-hairs, resulting in baldness in that place. The aim of the external application is to pacify the vitated Pitta.
Benefits of Indraluptha Lepam
· Ayurvedic treatment to restore patchy hair growth
· Ayurvedic Remedy for Hair Fall and Hair Thinning
· Encourages rich and full hair growth
· Stops premature greying and hair loss
· Restores healthy shine to hair
How to Use Indraluptha Lepam?
Clean the affected area with water and use cotton pieces to wipe the area and dry. Mix Indraluptha lepam powder with suitable medicated oils like Neelibhringadi Kera Tailam or Dinesavalyadi Kera Tailam and apply and massage over the area. Keep for Fifteen to twenty minutes and wash with water.
Ingredients of Indralupta Lepam
Aswaghnam Thevetia peruviana 500mg
Brhingaraja Eclipta alba 500mg
Chithrakam Plumbago zeylanica 500mg
Jathi Myristica fragrans 500mg
Dantheednatham 2000mg
Karanjam Pongamia glabra 2000mg
Varuna Crateva religiosa 2000mg
Kalpa Tailam Coconut oil 4000mg
Brhingaraja Eclipta alba 500mg
Chithrakam Plumbago zeylanica 500mg
Jathi Myristica fragrans 500mg
Dantheednatham 2000mg
Karanjam Pongamia glabra 2000mg
Varuna Crateva religiosa 2000mg
Kalpa Tailam Coconut oil 4000mg
Question - How long does it take to show results?
Improvements can be appreciated in about 10 days’ time.
Question – Is there any Side effects?
There are no recorded side effects with this medicine.
How can we use Indraluptha lepam?
Clean the affected area with water and use cotton pieces to wipe the area and dry. Mix Indraluptha lepam powder with suitable medicated oils like Neelibhringadi Kera Tailam or Dinesavalyadi Kera Tailam and apply and massage over the area. Keep for Fifteen to twenty minutes and wash with water.
For better results, rub the affected area with lemon pieces once in two weeks. Don't do it daily.
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Tags: indraluptha, lepam, hair, falling