• Leaf n Relief Kasthoori Manjal

Leaf n Relief Kasthoori Manjal

  • Brand: Leaf n Releif
  • Product Code: AFA1790
  • Weight: 40.00 Gram(s)
  • Availability: In Stock

  • $5.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Leaf n Relief Kasthoori Manjal

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Leaf n Relief Kasthoori Manjal

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Medicine Reseller


Leaf n Relief Kasthoori Manjal

Contains pure  organic wild turmeric powder along with Vetiveria and Albizzia without any preservatives or addictives.

Useful tips

Avoid stretch marks
If you are planning a pregnancy, apply a mixture of
turmeric and malai or turmeric and curd to your stomach and waist before going for a bath. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, and wash off. If desired, you could even apply this mixture after bathing. After you have washed off the soap, apply the malai and turmeric mixture, leave it on for five minutes, and wash off only with water. Gently, wipe your stomach with the towel. The sooner you start this routine, the more supple and elastic your skin will become,
and after giving birth, you will not be left with unsightly stretch marks.

Cures Pimples and removes facial hair

Turmeric mixed with neem  or turmeric mixed with sandal wood removes unwanted facial hair and acts as a natural healer for getting rid of pimples.


Botanical name : Curcuma aromatica Salisb.
Family : Zingiberaceae
Aranyaharidra, Vanaharidra, Kastooriharidra
Rasa    : Tikta, Madhura
Guna   : Lakhu, Snigdha
Virya   : Ushna
English  :  Wild turmeric, Cochin turmeric, Yellow zedoary
Hindi  :  Jungali haldi, Ban haldi
Malayalam :  Kastoorimanjal, Kattumanjal
Throughout India, growing wild, also cultivated.
A rhizomatous perennial herb grows up to 1 meter. Leaves elliptic or oblong- lanceolate, about 50 cm long with long petiole; flowers pinkish yellow, seen in inflorescence with pinkish showy bracts. Fruits globose, dehiscent trilobate capsules.
Plant pacifies vitiated pitta, kapha, indigestion, skin diseases, cough, bronchitis, allergy, leucoderma, and as general tonic.
Useful part :  Rhizome. Leaves.

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