• Liv-Long LivSlim

Liv-Long LivSlim

  • $45.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Liv-Long LivSlim

We Never Sell
Near-Expiry Medicines

Liv-Long LivSlim

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Liv-Long LivSlim

Obesity Management



Garcinia cambogia Extract (HCA 50%)



Green Tea Extract



Commiphora muggul Extract






The World Health Organisation (WHO) has raised alarm on obesity, citing that by the year 2010 more than 60% of the Indian population will be suffering from one or other non communicable chronic degenerative disease conditions like Diabetes, Arthritis, Coronary Heart Diseases etc. Over weight and obesity will be the causative mechanism behind this impending calamity.

Controlled diet and moderate exercise coupled with safe and effective anti-obesity products is essential for slow but sustained and safe weight reduction.

LivSlim offers hydroxy citric acid (HCA) derived from the fruit rind of Malabar tamarind (Garcinia cambogia), Guggulipid extract (Commiphora mukul) and Green Tea extract (Camellia sinensis) in a rational blend. LivSlim is 100% natural and safe and has no side effects.


Inhibits the conversion of excess calories in the diet in the form of simple carbo hydrates and simple sugars into fat (HCA).

Inhibits citrate cleavage emzyme (ATP citrate lyase) to inhibit cholesterol synthesis leaving to fat deposition.

Induces thermogenesis - burning of stored fat for heat rather than energy Gugglulipid).

Reduces appetite thereby reducing food intake.

Dietary supplement, not for medicinal use.



500 mg Hard Gelatin Capsules
Pack: Food grade HDPE bottles of 90�s
Recommended Usage: 1-2 Capsules one hour before food with plenty of water
Three times daily

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Tags: livslim, osteoporosis