• Vasu Simlim

Vasu Simlim

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Vasu Simlim

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Vasu Simlim

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Vasu Simlim

Dosage recommendations:
The Simlim regimen consists of 2 capsules to be taken twice a day, fifteen minutes after breakfast and dinner. After achieving the desired weight loss, you may reduce capsule intake to a maintenance dosage of 1 capsule twice a day.
For best results continue treatment with Simlim at least for 3 months.
Help Simlim to help you.
Health Benefits of Simlim
The Therapeutic benefits are a result of the following ingredients:
Has proven hypolipidermic/cholesterol lowering properties. Has direct action on fat metabolism and helps reduce weight.
2. Kokam:
Limits synthesis of fatty acids in muscles and liver. Helps in reduction of fat production. It contains hydroxyl citric acid which decreases the rate of conversion of excessive carbohydrates into fats thereby significantly reducing the weight, body lipid, and appetite.
3. Allium Sativum:
Garlic has been used for reduction in the hardening of the Arteries(Atherosclerosis), high cholesterol and circulation problems.
Dietary Recommendation:
Eat small, frequent meals. Dinner should be the smallest meal. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water daily.
Increase the amount of fresh fruit, vegetables and juices in your diet. Cut down on sweets, fried food, ghee, cheese and high fat food. If there's a party, have a smaller lunch or schedule a longer exercise routine. Weight Loss has to be a sustained effort. Dieting can lead to sudden weight loss, but the moment you start eating again, the weight gain restarts. Don't feel frustrated and give up halfway. Keep at it.
Half an hour of brisk walking daily
Use the stairs twice daily rather than the lift;except after meals Exercise should be done under medical supervision for those with health risks
Each SIMLIM capsule contains extract derived from
Garcini ambogia(Vrukshamla/Kokam)-1200mg
Bauhinia variegata(Kanchanar) - 800mg
Clerodendron Phlomides(Agnimatha) - 600mg
Terminalia Chebula(Haritaki) - 400mg
Commiphora Mukul(Guggulu) - 250 mg
Allium sativum(Lasuna) - 150mg
Picrorrhiza Kurrooa(Katuki) - 80mg
The Safe, Weight-Loss Formula
Who needs Simlim?
People who are overweight(obese) need to take Simlim
What is Obesity?
Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat in relation to lean body mass. As a rule, women have more body fat than men.
Men with more than 25 percent body fat and women with more than 30 percent body fat are obese
About 15 percent of children and adolescents are now overweight
What causes Obesity?
In scientific terms, obesity occurs when a person consumes more calories than he or she burns
Fat deposition takes place when there is imbalance between energy intake and energy consumed.
A sedentary lifestyle is the major culprit.
Heredity and hormonal factors play a role.
Genetic, environment, psychological and other factors can affect weight gain/loss process.
Consequences of Obesity Health Risks
Obesity is more than a cosmetic problem. It is a health hazard Type 2 diabetes
Heart disease
High blood pressure
Obesity is also linked to higher rates of certain types of cancer
Obesity leads to coronary and cardiac complaints
Hypertension and elevated blood lipid levels
Osteorthritis(stiffness) of knee, hips and lumbar spine
Kidney, liver and gallbladder disorders
The fat around the trunk obstruct respiratory movements thus developing dyspnoea or breathlessness
Reproductive problems in women, including menstrual irregularities and infertility.
How is obesity treated?
Combination of diet, exercise, behaviour modification, and sometimes weight-loss drugs
Obesity: Ayurvedic Perspective and Management. Obesity has been described as 'Medaroga' in Ayurveda, which is one of the eight 'nindya prakruthis' or undesirable constitutions. Overweight and Obesity are due to an increase in Meda Dhatu or fat component in the body or due to some malfunctioning. Obesity can also be an off shoot of metabolic disorders.
How does Simlim work?
Improves Lipid metabolism
Triggers thermo genesis
Accelerates fat depletion
Ensures Fat reduction and thereby weight reduction
Reduces raised Triglyceride levels
Promotes good cholesterol(HDL)
Brings down bad cholesterol(LDL)
Corrects faulty Fat metabolism for long lasting results
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Tags: simlim, obesity