Vaidyaratnam Sukumaram rasayan
- Brand: Vaidyaratnam Oushadhasala
- Product Code: VOS13/2009
- Weight: 250.00 Gram(s)
- Availability: In Stock
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Vaidyaratnam Sukumaram rasayan
Ayurvedic Treatment for Common Menustral Disorders Menstrual disorders include problems such as painful cramps, excessive bleeding, and irregularity. According to Ayurveda, Vata is the main dosha responsible for these disorders. Menstrual disorders occur when certain factors interrupt the hormones that control menstruation. These disorders can be temporary or permanent. In addition, many women experience some variation in menstrual cycle symptoms from one month to the next, especially during the first years after the beginning of menstruation. Some disorders may even make a woman incapable to attend work and sleep. Certain menstrual disorders may also interfere with a woman?s ability to become pregnant. A menstrual disorder is a physical or emotional problem that interferes with the normal menstrual cycle, causing pain, unusually heavy or light bleeding, delayed menarche, or missed periods. A woman of childbearing age should menstruate every 28 days or so unless she is pregnant or moving into menopause. Common disorders include: 1) Amenorrhea - An absence of menstrual periods. . This condition may be of two types i.e. when their is lack of a first menstrual period by the age of 16 years or the absence of menstrual periods in a woman who has previously menstruated regularly. The periods must be absent for at least three months to be considered amenorrhea. 2) Menorrhagia - Menorrhagia, or heavy bleeding, most commonly occurs in the years just before menopause or just after women start menstruating. 3) Periods that are unusually light or Hypomenorrhea 4) Unusually infrequent periods or Oligomenorrhea. 5) Unusually painful periods or Dysmenorrhea 6) Menstrual cramps - Menstrual cramps are pains in the abdominal (belly) and pelvic areas that are experienced by a woman as a result of her menstrual period. 7) Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms related to the female menstrual cycle. PMS symptoms occur in the week or two weeks before your period (menstruation or monthly bleeding). The symptoms usually include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, a headache, or lightheadedness along with cramps in the abdomen. According to ayurveda, the ?doshic? imbalance, more commonly of the ?vata? accompanied by inequities of the ?pitta? and the ?kapha? is responsible for this uncomfortable phase. This imbalance is triggered by following a wrong daily routine and adhering to an unsuitable diet plan. Ayurveda also suggests certain herbs which are beneficial for the menstrual disorders and can provide some relief to women. The herbs and the diet suggested by ayurveda are as under: Saraca indica The bark of the tree is effective for excessive blood loss during menstruation due to the presence of uterine fibroids, leucorrhoea and other causes. It can be used as a substitute for ergot, a kind of dried fungus used in medicine in the treatment of uterine hamorrhages. It is taken as a decoction. Nagarmotha (Cyperus rotundus) : According to the Ayurveda, root is pungent, acrid, cooling, astringent, appetizer, stomachic, anthelmintic and useful in treatment of PMS. Kamal Phool (lotus Flower): It is particularly useful bleeding disorders. Decoction of leaves and sandalwood or root-powder or seed-powder is useful for abnormal / irregular bleeding and PMS. Nagkeshar (Mesua ferrea): It is use to treat menorrhagia due to its action on capillaries. Sukumaram qwath, Sapthasaram qwath, Muslikhadiradi qwath, Tila qwath, Kanasathwadi qwath, Pushyanuga churna, Sarasijamakarandanadi churna, Sukumaram leha, Sathavari gulam, Sukumara rasayan, M2 tone syrup, Tablet, Evecare syrup, Tablet, Evanova capsule, syrup, Mensta syrup, Tablets etc are some other common medicines used to treat menustral disorders. Diet: Eat regular, healthy meals including plenty of vegetables, fruit, mixed grains and cereals Eat small meals to maintain stable energy levels, this will also significantly reduce food cravings Drink less caffeine ? particularly if you are suffering breast tenderness. Try drinking water instead! (6-8 glasses a day) Cut down on alcoholic beverages Cut down on salt and salty foods to help reduce fluid retention Get enough rest, sleep and exercise Avoid smoke Write a Review
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