• Charak Takzema Ointment

Charak Takzema Ointment

  • $13.00 (Free Shipping on orders over $100.00)

Charak Takzema Ointment

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Charak Takzema Ointment

Licenced Ayurvedic
Medicine Reseller


Charak Takzema Ointment


   1) Atopic Eczema
   2) Contact Dermatitis
   3) Allergic Dermatitis


Tablet :
General: Two tablets twice a day.
Ointments :
Local application twice or thrice a day.


   1) Local application of ointment controls dryness, irritation, itching & scratching of the skin.
   2) Systemic administration helps in correcting the immune dysfunction



   1) Bath only with mild soaps and when bathing keeps the temperature of water-cool or warm not hot.
   2) Moisturize your skin coconut oil or other moisturizers, they prevent skin to crack.
   3) Drink plenty of water & fruit juice.
   1) Avoid fish, eggs, peanuts, soy, or things causing allergies.
   2) Avoid scratching the irritated area on your skin even if it itches
   3) Eczema flares up when you are under stress so try to cope up with your stress

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